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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. oki doks super chief, so if its COVID, the flu, or a common cold, list the anti-viral meds that are going to help our boy? ill wait wait for a list of the cures they have developed, I got time.
  2. So stay home.
  3. put on a mask, walk to 7-11 and buy a test ffs either way you just have to wait it out if its viral. That hasn't changed.
  4. For the love of god, if this was the criteria the internet would be empty
  5. that means nothing, you would have to do a border run after 179 days that lasted the rest of the year.
  6. first off, its not a tuk tuk. next, while the guy is douche, these reports over "enranged" netizens are overinflated. people get disgusted they make a snarky comment or two, call for justice and forget about it. nobody is truly enraged
  7. What you should be more concerned about is them coming after your wife for undeclasred revenue on the rental.
  8. In Bangkok Foodland chicken is so cheap its almost free. Must be the same in pats
  9. there is no such thing as a good printer. Given some <deleted> just posted the confused emoji, let me elaborate. Printers - all printers - have been a pain in the ass since the day they connected the first one to a consumer PC. They have always been a pain in the ass to connect, they are shamelessly obsolete before they are even sold, and the ink they use is criminally more expensive than fine cocaine. Unless you are in enterprise and paying in the 10s of thousands for a machine they are undependable, guaranteed to break down the night you need to print a document. It is by far more effective to find a business with a printer you can use by the page and let them deal with the burden of ownership. I cant actually remember the last time i needed something printed, yet the piece of <deleted> still occupies desk space.
  10. have you ever actually used an agent?
  11. poster child for literacy and acceptance, aren't you just? yup. though I think the attempted venture more likely never actually began. Walter Mitty, coffee importer.
  12. Yet still people here insist it is better while insisting they have never tried Starbucks. they claim people go to Starbucks to appear rich -- yet out of reverse snobbery, they claim they have never been. In the grand scheme of things, a group of bitter geriatrics are demographically irrelevant
  13. I am It is by no means a Starbucks Champion but they are by no means the same thing. Amazon gives tiny portions for tiny money offer little staff training and the quality is certainly no better. you haven't tried both if you are making an apples-to-apples comparison.
  14. I spent 40k on an espresso machine and grinder around 15 years ago. A great investment. ROI in a year or two and weekly expenses in coffee and milk add up to the cost of 3-4 lattes a week. Coffee is better as well, not the typical over-roasted S'bucks fare.
  15. look up bucket hat on the interwebs
  16. i love how you have convinced yourself that your post was offered up in good spirit.
  17. Ah, you were being constructive. because all Thai wives are money grubbing ex whores playing the long game. why didn't you just say so?
  18. The days of Airbnb being an effective way for property owners around the world to bring in some cash are on the wane. As regulations increase, profits and tenants decrese
  19. risky indeed, you could end up judged by some bell end on the internet
  20. and if the wheel itself were improperly affixed? you offer specultation, not facts.
  21. ok 1 - what is a tourist doing approaching a language school for a long term visa ? 2 - no thailand you impact your own image. was it the tourists who set up this scam or locals ? I know reading is tough, but this sentence is clearly not blaming tourists. It is saying that because there were over 100 people with a variety of nationalities affected , it has an impact on Thailands image.
  22. the word is vaunted. much vaunted. taunt is to tease, goad or mock nice try tho...
  23. the good ones certainly do.
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