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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. nonsense. Canadians use the word toss.
  2. But this is aseannow, people who did not know what a network streamer was 5 years ago extol the virtues of digital music, while half the audiophile community is looking for an analogue sounding dac. Sometimes it's nice to put on an album in this era of playlists and best ofs.
  3. Interesting. especially the jbls
  4. Yes you were the most vocal of the folks I was referring to.
  5. get off mobile. I gave up reading the site on my phone or tablet for this same reason, The bonus is it means I'm on the site far less
  6. out of touch, but unable to reman silent on the matter. although it isn't just you it seems to be almost everyone else commenting.
  7. is that what they learned this time around? it seems to me they learned that their vote can be easily overturned due to a stacked senate and dodgy constitution
  8. Oh really. what is the next logical leap there, Auschwitz?
  9. Yes. I beleive there is. You are aware that the people complaining about the inappropriate sign are Thai, right?
  10. no, you are assuming your use case is universally valid. Sure you can stream a 4k movie using 4g but if you wanted to download another one simultaneously and/or have someone else in the house using the network to stream, listen to music, game, or download anything, you will run out of headroom quickly. With multiple users on the network 40 Mbps gets congested very quickly. Then of course there is the issue of latency. if you game the network will be considerably slower, not to mention the eons it would take to download massive updates or new games. Then there is the issue of congestion on mobile networks, especially in populous areas where many users don't generally have access to a terrestrial connection, I run a smart home with over 50 connected devices, latency can affect that. I also upload large files regularly for work, a 4g sim generally has much slower upload than download speeds. Your cheap solution works for you, but it doesn't work for everybody. not by a long shot
  11. I have a simple personality test for people too. Anyone who is not able to understand the nuances between a family pet or even a docile community-fed stray and a pack of half-feral strays should be abandoned late at night deep in their territory. It is a fine way to cull the simpletons. loving dogs does not mean ignoring problems.
  12. i think most on the market are better than meji. I buy Thai Danish or the mmmilk for my morning coffee, meji is third choice. The other two have a richer, creamier taste
  13. Nakhon is Closeish to Samui/Phangan. Huahin isn't close to any other major destination. But a major jump in numbers or even flights is unlikely
  14. I believe he was more concerned with Isreal using Thailand to create further conflict
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