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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. megalomaniacs and semi-demented, geriatric puppets. The American public cannot win, period. Determining a country's future should not be the job of septuagenarians.
  2. interesting how glib the discussion is when the war doesn't invive isreal.
  3. Why would you thnk the OPs post has any meaning, especially given their history for sharing utter <deleted>
  4. enlighten me as where the OP mentions teaching English?
  5. It is being played slowly now simply because he has time to kill before his sentence is served, or overturned by some miracle of cronyism. It certainly didn't play out slowly in the beginning, the man was charged and managed to avoid spending even one full night in prison -- I don't doubt that his police hospital accommodation is more than comfortable, he must be enjoying the time with his former police colleagues from the Academy's Class 26
  6. So, in modern history, whites have not been behind colonialism on a global scale? as for living in the stone age, i cant say living more simply would be an entirely bad thing.
  7. Sadly if a three-year-old fell off a balcony in its mother's care, there is only one person responsible whether it is neglect or foul play. The reporting is typically sensational and irresponsible either way Again
  8. I have had the joy of COVID twice. Symptoms were never much beyond fatigue, the issue for me is that I have trouble concentrating for weeks afterward.
  9. What if? Who knows? That is why the police have decided to withhold judgement until the autopsy is done,
  10. why would they rethink it now? Someone unwilling to wear a mask in the thick of CVID either as preventative or simply as a courtesy is unlikely to do an about face now
  11. because no one in any other country has ever killed a family member for money.
  12. No matter how you look at it, it is a tale of utter desperation.
  13. What a horrible compromise to have to make. Do you reckon he can stave off full-blown dementia for another 4 year stint? Why does the US insist on fielding dinosaurs for its highest office?
  14. more than 1/3 of US adults are idiots. The US is in dire straits, the entire bipartisan system is bad enough, the fact that the only candidates it serves up are geriatrics of questionable competence and/or sanity would have me pulling my hair out. As a Candian, we arent doing much better with a more youthful leadership, our woke government is driving the country into the ground bit by bit.
  15. it there an antiviral you can suggest for that? the op has categorically rejected all advice. there is only so much empathy to give
  16. Arent you both? What a hoot that must be.
  17. Personally, I think all this LGBTQ+++++ inclusivity etc has taken acceptance back a few steps. I also think classifying sexualtity as normal or not normal is a silly as trying to tell people what type of food they should enjoy.
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