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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. And here I thought we were talking about Samui/Phangan, not about where you live,
  2. why do people with unfettered internet access say such uninformed things? https://www.google.com/search?q=uk+covid+infections&rlz=1C1CHBD_enTH947TH947&oq=uk+covid+infections As of October 27, the UK had 42,963 reported cases of COVID. Perhaps we have a different understanding of what "covid finished" means
  3. certainly wouldn't have to seach long round here to come up with something unsavoury.
  4. If Jeffery Dahmer was taboo as a pop cultural reference, perhaps the woke should be demonizing Netflix for exposing the world to him instead of laying into foreign teenager.
  5. more to the point the Russians you will bump into here are here because they are not complicit and don't want any part of the whole thing
  6. one question. are legal drugs like weed healthier now?
  7. whatever that is, im not sure, but i know very few folks who work online who still use paypal.
  8. paypal is well past its sell by date. i chucked it the last time they threatened changes and it has not made a bit of difference to my life. They must be doing well to be able to turn their backs on people who have been using them for nearly 20 years.
  9. what has this man done to you that you feel the need to attack him in death?
  10. trippy. the money machine will start up again.
  11. <deleted> off pedant. https://simple.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/euphemism#:~:text=(uncountable) Euphemism is the substitution,offensive%2C harsh%2C or blunt. Euphemism is a concept like irony.
  12. As a professional writer, this <deleted> pisses me off to no end. We are no longer allowed to be concise and forced to resort to euphemism.
  13. truly astonishing how many people on here aren't able to help themselves. You want a scale? spend five minutes on google and three minutes on lazada.
  14. Analogy -- you order food from grab or food panda. You don't like it. Grab and Food Panda tell you to talk to the restaurant because they just deliver the food, they don't cook it. See the parallel?
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