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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. living the dream.
  2. i too enjoy weed, but for the record it is a vice - not something to base your entire identity on.
  3. oh goody, now we are gatekeeping Thai immigration policies. You are a busy bunny!
  4. I know someone who owns three massage shops (no happy ending). workers receive a day rate (minimum wage), a percentage of the take on massages they perform, and tips.
  5. its not so much a problem as an opportunity to virtue signal and demonstrate moral superiority. Id be very surprised if the whole poste was not a fabrication.
  6. I think the man is a genius and a criminal, but not a hypocrite. I also suspect that from his brothel days he has dirt on so many of the powerful, that he fears very little. Chuwit has been <deleted> off at the police for decades since they took his bribes and did not deliver as promised. He even went so far as to take back air-conditioned police boxes he had donated. He is also responsible for the controversial overnight demolition of Sukhumvit Square and subsequent creation of the inaccessible (open 8-10am and 4-8pm) Chuwit Garden Park to occupy the land while the public forgot the destruction and he could move ahead with his development plans for the land. When asked why the park has such odd opening hours he said he did not want the police sleeping in the shade on his dime.
  7. Passing through customs is the whole point. you cant re-enter thailand until you have been admitted and checked out of another country.
  8. meanwhile more folk than ever before struggle to keep the electric on.
  9. do you read this garbage after you type it, or is it more like vomiting bile and moving on?
  10. AseanNow doesn't report news. it culls it from other sources, adding editorial comments like this. There is no journalism involved.
  11. I suspect quite a few. You can find them on other threads espousing pro-rape attitudes from a bygone era.
  12. just reading you on here makes me want to shower.
  13. you do bear responsibility. But the fact that you were a mess does not mitigate the guilt of the folks who robbed you. The you were asking for it defense does not stand up,
  14. I tell you, there are some frightening attitudes on this site.
  15. indeed they do. So explain to me again how the fact she willingly took a pill justifies rape? Are you in the habit of banging unconscious women too?
  16. excellent pro rape response. She was probably dressed a bit sexy and was asking for it too, right?
  17. for the love of god, give it a rest.
  18. not sure why with your background you would want to teach. It is generally very underpaid. Why not look into alternate ways like writing to leverage your experience ? As a tech writer I make 30-50k per week for an effort of around 20 hours. My income is limited only by my unwillingness to work more. Most teachers outside of the international school system struggle to make that in a month
  19. what does honour have have to do with free speech? Sure, he can say whatever he wants. But should he?
  20. what does courtesy have to do with legality? If you want to make sense, quit mixing terms
  21. you seem to believe there is honour in the way he is "earning" his crust now. if ever there were a poster boy for entitlement, he is it. At least she made a go of acting. what is it harry has ever done or had to do?
  22. Yes. But nobody has used the term heart attack but you. Heart failure is the term used. cardiac arrest was also used -- that means heart stopped, nothing more.
  23. Congrstulations on your very firm grasp of the obivious. If I had to guess, I would say that fentanyl has made it into the recreational MDMA, ketamine, and/or cocaine supply. There has certainly been plenty floating around the region. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
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