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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. A blood pressure reading of 180/100 is just at the lower end of hypertensive crisis. If you are getting that kind of reading you should be seeking medical attention. You are already in danger without the coffee.
  2. make a choice and then adjust preferences later in settings. Once you are in you can disable Hello with a simple regedit
  3. I remember when overstaying 1 year wasn't a big deal. Pay the maximum fine at the airport, fly to Phnom Penh and back same day. All good.
  4. you reckon the conductor doesn't keep up with the news on aseannow?
  5. What? Then after that perhaps we can have a spirited discussion of apples and oranges.
  6. well then, congratulations on your petty victory. when i read people like you, i always wonder if they actually reacted as they claimor if they are just indulging some miity-esque fantasy. I suspect the latter
  7. your arrogance and sense of entitlement does you no credit.
  8. does that include your authority? because that is what really seems to be the issue here. Perhaps she is not as compliant as you might have hoped. It sounds more like a matter of control than anything else oh, then you are definitely the better option. It seems you are the only one with an objection. Your wife, the only person whose opinion truly counts here, does not seem to mind.
  9. the diplomatic soultion is to butt out and let your wife manage her own career.
  10. Once again, it is not immigration dictating these policies, The stupidity is occurring at the consular level, and the consulates seem to have a certain amount of autonomy when limiting queue numbers and establishing insane criteria like prepaid accommodation.
  11. dude has to go to work, how good could life be?
  12. signal that viritue harder why dontcha?
  13. probably need to be able to see it for that,
  14. nope. Although the stamps were real, or copies from the same manufacturer, they just weren't in the correct hands it was an entire ring. i knew about a dozen expats in bangkok that were caught out. It cost them money and some travel to fix, but in the end it wasn't jail and a 100 year ban. oh the drama.
  15. For the life of me i cant understand why a country with a significant reliance on tourism would be throwing out arbitrary impediments to getting a visa. it is especially ridiculous in light of the current recession on the heels of the non-earning COVID shutdowns.
  16. I transfer weekly. I have done so for 3 years now without a delay or hiccup. You transferred over a major Thai bank holiday. Who's fault is it that you can't read a calendar?
  17. I'm not employed or accountable.
  18. Hi, for some reason my tax ID card has gone walk about, can anyone suggest how I can locate or look up the number? I need it to fill out a w8ben.
  19. sounds to me like OP made some poor life choices and is now paying the price.
  20. Oh goody, now we belabor the obvious. Keep up the good work!
  21. How, exactly, did they phrase the request for access?
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