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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. Yup no music is the best business choice. That keeps the punters going until the wee hours. You sure know your stuff.
  2. The dinosaurs will perish sooner rather than later, let them have their miserable corner of the internet.
  3. And what does this have to do with either the comment or my reply to it? Have you actually read either?
  4. And they were fokkin right.
  5. You are behind the times. It's not about credit card transactions. Almost everyone in Thailand has prompt pay.
  6. It is the standard response of a generation that blindly followed the rules, paid their taxes and swallowed their questions. A refrain sung by folks who have no understanding of what privacy has come to mean.
  7. Isn't cognitive decline a Forum sponsor?
  8. What would football be without a healthy dose of racism and intolerance. The beautiful game indeed.
  9. Looking to a guy who flogs phones for a living for advice on rooting is futile. Yes or no?
  10. It is not illegal to smoke in a hotel room. It's just against he house rules.
  11. I can't tell you how many hotel rooms I smoked weed in before it was legal. Get yourself a room with a balcony or where smoking is allowed.
  12. Wanna take bets on how they voted during the brexit referendum?
  13. What a non story. Only speculation, no information provided. The cat will not go back in the bag. Want to control rhe sales? Then issue sales liscences that require strict tax accounting.
  14. You are not looking for an android phone salesman, rooting is not an encouraged behavior. You want an android developer. Search forums like xda for someone willing to consult.
  15. and let the stupid comments roll in, we are off to an excellent start.
  16. Yuppies gone mad. It must be 1980.
  17. i would suggest if you cant find one, you will struggle to use one as well.
  18. its actually crystal mdma and you eat it. you can smoke it, or snort it, but there is no real point to that
  19. no, crystal mdma does not occur in the wild here,
  20. tick tock. the benefits should trickle down by the time the dinosaurs that voted leave are well dead.
  21. Why would it surprise you that making coffee fresh is much better than instant chemical coffee product?
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