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Everything posted by n00dle

  1. And the problem with codgers is that they discount all ideas from youths as having no understanding of reality
  2. I actually did remark recently that my power bill went from 1200-1500 a month to around 2k.
  3. That in fact did happen to me, but I would never suggest that the antibiotics cured covid
  4. Because they <deleted> themselves with Brexit.
  5. Another ill-conceived initiative to benefit the Thai economy by encouraging businesses (like vans) the pulling the rug out from under them. It not unlike the idiocy bruited about that wants to limit the hours of bars that have just reopened after two long years to conserve electricity. that said, i live on soi 11, and there are so many vans that you can no longer use the sidewalks near the Ambassador complex. I counted 12 vans the other night.
  6. Doesn't seem to address your smugness issues though does it.
  7. Thus far, no alternative to Z Library necessary. It works ine on tor, check the wiki entry on z library for onion links.
  8. I have always been partial to hoohaa.
  9. The delicious irony of a brit who picked up sticks to sully a Thai neighborhood complaining about foreigners moving in and changing the place.
  10. Hi, looking for recommendations on LASIK in Bangkok, interested in striking a balance between cost and not going blind.
  11. If you are going to quote a truism, at least make the effort to get it right. If you can't manage that at least have it make sense.
  12. ah, there you are. Was afraid you might be detained at the local MENSA gathering
  13. It was sarcasm my good man. In case you haven't been following, we are discussing underage trafficking. Why would the purveyors of children for sex stop at issuing fake ID?
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