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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. Nam's Taxi Service. Google has the details.
  2. Have others arrived at the same conclusion? If you smelled your own BO it must have been truly powerful.
  3. That vehicle is a complete wreck.
  4. Great idea. Then she can run off with her young Thai boyfriend.
  5. You mean Cebu Pacific?
  6. No problem other than the fact that TRump has basically usurped the USA justice system. He's truly "above the law".
  7. Or more likely a child on a Big Bike.
  8. How could it happen? Has anyone ever heard of tripping and falling?
  9. He should go to Norway and commit a crime. The prisons in Norway sound pretty cozy to me.
  10. I think I read they need a million Baht.
  11. You sound like a man speaking from experience.
  12. Privacy is just a thing of the past.
  13. When my Debit card didn't work at the Jomtiem Kbank branch, I was told it was because it is USA based.
  14. In my humble opinion calling a trans person an it is indicative of a poorly educated moron. Didn't your Mama teach you any manners at all?
  15. Sounds petty skint to me. Dismal future and no mention of any job skills.
  16. No one is going to watch the fight. I just watched a few Tyson clips and I cant imagin Paul standing a chance of winning the fight. Tyson looks like a beast.
  17. Yep.. He has the award pinned up on the wall in his basement bedroom.
  18. isn't there a street in front of your house where you could play among the fast moving cars?
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