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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. You're making it too simple for him to understand.
  2. You should absolutely not be driving but It looks like you killing someone is the only way for you to understand that.
  3. Wouldn't checking the TSA website be more reliable?
  4. And what was that official condition dave?
  5. Shown the way to his prison cell would be more like it.
  6. Maybe he won't be living at all.
  7. Is Thailand perhaps becoming too expensive for you?
  8. I thought they just abandoned them on the side of the road.
  9. "The very excessive MC noise doesn't begin until around 3:15 AM and stops around 6:15 AM every night." I guess you don't grasp The meaning of AROUND.
  10. The very excessive MC noise doesn't begin until around 3:15 AM and stops around 6:15 AM every night.
  11. proportionally,
  12. That's certainly a major undertaking.
  13. I'll be happy to go to the highest bidder as long as they meet the lowest minimum bid.
  14. Maybe that's because the said restaurant is its namesake in name only. Any Taco Bell that opened in the USA that had the same menu as the Thai one without beans and rice would be doomed to failure.
  15. But had they actually ordered anything to eat?
  16. But I've read so many times guys pay the woman to leave and not the other way around.
  17. Maybe make the birth control pills super inexpensive while you're at it.
  18. You mean not yet they haven't.,
  19. Time to upgrade to a new model.
  20. Sounds like a good enough reason to me for those who can afford the cost.
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