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In Full Agreement

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Everything posted by In Full Agreement

  1. members should be allowed to lean whichever way they so wish. And just who do you think is trying to stop them, Mr. Smith?
  2. The same thing can be said about the infestation of AN by right wing loonies.
  3. The topic is about British food. Are you trying to shift the topic?
  4. What about the skin cancer that followed?
  5. There's always a lot more to the story and yes, we'll never know the full truth.
  6. Wasn't there a war involved in the transaction?
  7. For the second weekend in a row it's going to be a holiday weekend. what are the bar closing hours for Pattaya this Saturday, Sunday, and MONDAY?
  8. You take away any possible doubt I may have had about your intellect by yet again posting another ridiculous post.
  9. I thought the warranty is honored at all dealerships.
  10. Keep it up long enough and your kidneys or liver may dispute your claim.
  11. Exactly. Sounds like picking the lowest hanging fruit.
  12. I was talking with a couple of ladies in a local bar yesterday and the answer to how many beers they could easily drink in one evening was ten. They have me by a factor or two.
  13. I found even walking away doesn't seem to bother the dealership when it comes to sweetening the deal. I always thought if you have to pay for or buy something get the item you want that it really isn't a freebie.
  14. Now you're just being silly, couch. Are you afraid to politely express your opinion to a bank or some other such organization?
  15. Give trump a few weeks and he'll be claiming he was attacked by a brigade of special force soldiers.
  16. With a little effort, JonnyF, you might think of something intelligent to say.
  17. You need to write a Thai will and give a copy to your bank, there is no next of kin option here without one. 100% correct, Mike. When I inquired about this I pointed out to the bank people it represented a disservice to the bank's customers to require a will and probate just to pass on one's money in Thailand. Generally, I'd say Thailand's banking system isn't really customer friendly.
  18. You mean keep it totally stupid, Bob?
  19. Bob, You really need to crawl back under your rock.
  20. That settles it.. You clearly have very limited experience outside of lip flapping.
  21. Are you on a month to month rental agreement?
  22. What do you mean? Hasn't Trump, the convicted felon, already lost a rape case as well as a financial fraud case?
  23. What the hell difference does that make? Do you just want to see more disruption in the USA presidential electoral process?
  24. Trump will surely put the shooting images on mugs and tee shirts like he did with his mug shot. Anything to make a buck, legal or illegal, is fine with him,
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