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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. UK Border Force may well do - it would rather make sense. Perhaps not the airlines
  2. To be fair, haven't the Americans cornered the market in pedophilia in those two countries?
  3. Sorry, are you suggesting that the Chinese will return them any money? Honestly?
  4. This is an English Language forum. It draws much of its material, particularly for international news, from the English Language press and media. I am sure that there are other foreign perverts who are wanted and arrested, just not reported.
  5. Yes, but he is a General, and this is the general topics forum...
  6. Well going on the Title of the thread, and indeed the wording of the original (your) post it is not an unreasonable assumption! I am no longer an English teacher (retired) but "could have", "would have" and "should have" convey three different meanings.
  7. I think that they may be following the views of their constituents, either through what they see as their duty, or more likely (cynically) because they perceive an electoral advantage. I have very little interest in the whole "trans scene", I have an old friend who had the full monte done a few years ago, it left her looking like she had gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson, and as she was in her 50s I am really not sure why she did it. However it is her business, I don't understand it but I accept it. I imagine most people would be content to leave it there. But when we get into "trans women" competing in sports, use of changing facilities and even convicted sex offenders claiming to be transitioning in order to serve sentences in women's prisons, let alone the area of child protection, I and I suspect many others start to take.a dim view. This is perhaps where or why politicians are becoming energised? I rather agree that it is a somewhat bizarre topic to have become so central, but then UK politics has become quite weird in recent years!
  8. So take away people to check you and your bags in, and issue you with a boarding card, replace them with a machine, and charge you more! Common use baggage drop off does rather sound like the precursor to the old British Airways joke, breakfast in New York, dinner in London, luggage in Rio De Janeiro!
  9. I wonder how many (if any) English (only) speakers she prescribes for every year. I don't really understand Top Chaoren's business model, they seem to swamp the place with shops. Mind you, pretty girls, and I do like those tight white trousers suits they wear!
  10. I am not sure that I would take it upon myself to advise or coach Shakespeare (I presume he is the bard to whom you refer) on "word smithery"! Your posts often remind me of Samuel Coleridge's epic work (it goes on and on for bloody ages) " The Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner" The first stanza sets the tone: "It is an ancient Mariner, And he stoppeth one of three. 'By thy long grey beard and glittering eye, Now wherefore stopp'st thou me?" There are some 625 lines in similar vein!
  11. You can take it pretty much as you like sunshine, I'm pretty much done with your hectoring, antagonistic, bellowing which spreads like an algae infection over any vaguely political topic on this forum; and frankly makes participating in this forum more of a trial than the pleasure it should be! I don't have an ignore list, I have this quaint old fashioned "Tory" idea that people should be free to express their opinions, but in your case I am starting to consider an exception. I also think, and the Moderating team may care to consider this, that you are setting out to bait me.
  12. I frankly can't remember, I don't track, log or remember my posts with the obvious enthusiasm which you do!
  13. I think that Labour will win, convincingly. I don't think the Tories will be wiped out quite as comprehensively. I would shed no tears if James Cleverly, Grant Shapps or Hunt lost their seats, although I hope Penny Mordant keeps hers - she is the best hope for rebuilding the Tories. They have brought it on themselves. The dye was cast when they turned on Johnson.
  14. Certainly, Big C here in Chiang Rai has a highly trained quick reaction squad. As soon as I have paid, and am on my way down the moving walkway to the ground floor, a klaxon sounds and the team assemble at the checkout managers little desk. A quick scan of my receipt, and they are off, like a well oiled machine, moving everything I have bought to another location in the store. The result, when I come back, nothing is ever in the same place!
  15. I am not suggesting that it isn't. I am suggesting that, under these circumstances then it would have been quite reasonable to have moved the date of the Transgender day, a one time act. Anyway, well done on remembering a bible quote to support your point - or was it from a search engine?
  16. Oh I fully grasp the irony - that is why I pointed it out. And , since you feel qualified to declaim the core teachings of Jesus, why not bear in mind and acknowledge that they "cut both ways"! Furthermore, I suffer from no "fabricated outrage you and others on the right are engaging in." What the (predominantly) American evangelical Christian movement choose to complain about is their business. I do not follow them on this or many other issues. However I think that it is sad that the views of a great many have been ignored on this, one Sunday of 52, which is for us the most significant of the year. It is you that have chosen, as so often, to reduce it to a bawling political argument!
  17. No I don't believe he did. But, as you know jolly well, that is not the point. The point is that it would have shown great tolerance, understanding and respect ( ironically exactly what they demand be shown to them) to have moved the date on this one occasion. I am not going to rise to your bait by claiming or quoting Jesus Christ to support what is very obviously an a attempt to score a political point, and will likely result in you or others mocking Christ. Again, tolerance, understanding and respect is what they claim to seek, and what I and many other Christians would hope, on this occasion, that they would show.
  18. The point perhaps is not that it was set up 15 years ago to desecrate what is the greatest feast in the Christian calender. The point is that it would have shown great tolerance, understanding and respect ( ironically exactly what they demand) to have moved the date on this one occasion.
  19. There again, just perhaps the most sacred day of the entire year for Christians, just one day mark you, of inestimable importance to a very large number of people worldwide should be left to them. The LGBTQ etc community can strut their stuff the other 364 days of the year. As for hate, enmity and division, well how difficult would it have been to say, "since it is Easter Sunday we will move our special day to another date..." I must confess, as a Catholic, I am incredibly disappointed in Biden.
  20. Presumably these are the experts who have real estate to shift in Pattaya?
  21. Perhaps Mr Pancake will be kept "up his sleeve" as it were!
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