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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. I think that is probably one of the funniest things I have seen on Thai Visa/ASEAN Now in what, over 15 years. Donald Trump an innocent! 😄😄😄 He has a long history of criminal practises, cheating and actions going back to long before his political career. In any jurisdiction not prostituted to money and beholden to political interests he would have been convicted and sentenced long ago. Now he has, through an extremely unethical legal team managed to avoid the somewhat feeble attempts of corrupt legal system to hold him to account for some blatant and egregious actions; displaying a contempt for the rule of law which has reduced the United States legal system to an international laughing stock, destroyed trust with its allies and trading partners. It is just as well that those behind MAGA embrace isolationism, because no-one is going to want to have anything to do with the USA for the next few years. International relationships, political, military (alliances) and economic run on trust. With that fat fool at the top of the heap, revelling in the cheating, bullying and lying which has propelled him there, no one will trust the USA, friends or enemies. Every world gathering will spend the next 4 years sniggering at the thought of him shagging a porn star! USA, you are in for a bad few years, you have thrown away 250 years of creating the leading democratic nation in the modern world, to put a wannabe tyrant on a throne of soiled fast food wrappers. As you may have gathered I hold Trump in contempt, and I am afraid the corrupted and manipulated system which he has used. Anyway, I feel better for getting that off my chest. Donald Trump an innocent! 😄😄😄
  2. You are, I understand, Canadian? Now on the topic of coming to terms with reality...
  3. In the words of Basil Fawlty when arguing with an American "guest" in Fawlty Towers: "It is all bottoms with you people isn't it"! No link I am afraid but the clip is freely available on U Tube.
  4. Hard faced white men in uniforms. The look for 2025!
  5. There are some 5.5 million Trades Union Members in the UK. I presume they are all fully on side with the brotherhood wading in to take sides in this? I must confess that I somehow missed reports when they were consulted or (silly I know) balloted on the matter!
  6. And that starts at the very top!
  7. Not American, don't have a vote. If I was/did I would be an independent, as I most definitely am in the UK. Doesn't take any partiality whatsoever towards Kamala Harris to see Trump and his crew for what they are!
  8. Why so? It is regarded, internationally and domestically as a "newspaper of record", it has some excellent journalists (including Maggie Haberman). It is widely read, and bear in mind that whilst nationally Trump was supported by around 50% of the electorate (well just under that) that still leaves half of the electorate who don't support him, in New York itself the support is greater. It reports sound financial results. Perhaps the greatest threat to the Newspaper, and broadcast media (MSNBC in particular) is Trump's threats to close them.
  9. It is not tarnished, it is coated in crud and filth!
  10. Knew a woman once. Soft and lumpy as far as I remember!
  11. It means "just coming into existence". I use it from time to time, along with other long words like wheelbarrow and marmalade. In fact I am considering purchasing a wheelbarrow, to use in my nascent project to grow oranges in my garden, to make marmalade!
  12. I find the hypocrisy of some, in particular Speaker Mike Johnson, quite astonishing, if not contemptible. Having never failed to emphasise his moral integrity and evangelical Christian principles to get his post, we now see him scheming and conniving to get into high office a collection of Cabinet members, some of whose pasts read like the darker corners of the Porn Hub catalogue! What a fetid mess!
  13. I find the hypocrisy of some, in particular Speaker Mike Johnson, quite astonishing, if not contemptible. Having never failed to emphasise his moral rightousness and evangelical Christian principles to get his post, we now see him scheming and conniving to get into high office a collection of Cabinet members, some of whose pasts read like the darker corners of the Porn Hub catalogue! What a fetid mess!
  14. Except, looking at the actual voting figures, they were not that far off! Look, I make no secret of my dislike for Trump, and just about everything he stands for. I have little time for much of the agenda of the Democratic Party. That doesn't matter, in as much as I am 1) not an American, and 2) under the American system he won. But it was effectively a straight binary choice, and he got less than 50%of the vote. Under the US system he won, but it was hardly a crushing victory for democracy!
  15. Perhaps a not unreasonable assumption? Certainly not a wild flight of fancy!
  16. In as much as that the people who will get their filthy stinking paws on the money and assets will be employees or connected with the "state". Jewellery and cash are "portable assets". Already gone, shared out amongst the greedy thieving bastards, sorry, I meant upright and principled state officials - that is of course, if they ever got past the police in the first place
  17. That is one (liberal with a small l) interpretation. Others might suggest that he is putting himself first, followed by those who contributed financially to his campaign, and finally his political supporters - both individuals and various groups, the latter essentially racially based. His policies to satisfy them are going to damage his country economically, and trash it socially. Still, it will keep him out of prison; astonishing really, the repercussions for 335 million people of a quick paid for shag with a pornstar! Still, he was elected, although not, it now appears by a majority or a landslide!
  18. Evil foul <deleted> bastards, to do that to a child.
  19. I wonder what has happened to the young lady who protested against harassment by the "morality police" by walking around in her underwear earlier this month? I would not be surprised if she is never heard of again.
  20. It is also worth noting that the "Internationally lauded and respected jurist", Karim Ahmad Khan, leading this effort, is a Lebanese Muslim, Lebanon is effectively run by Hezbollah, Hezbollah is run by Iran. Secondly it is worth noting that the country which initiated these proceedings, South Africa, a shining beacon of honest governmental processes and iron clad resistance to corruption, did so very shortly after it's bankrupt ruling party, the African National Congress, was bailed out of bankruptcy by, umh, Iran!
  21. I don't think that the higher ratio which you claim is really supported by the fact that under (just under but still under) 50% actually voted for him. I would also question whether 2232 is a representative cross sample, an odd figure which perhaps, to my cynical mind, suggests that those conducting the poll stopped asking the questions when they had amassed the required answer!
  22. Perhaps, just perhaps, hallucinogenic drugs shouldn't be handed out - anywhere!
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