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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Perhaps - my suspicion is rather that money for its own sake is central to Trump, not because of what he can use it for. Again, true, but in Trumps case money is central to, the foundation on which his ego is built. Musk has money, that ( pun rather intended) trumps all other considerations.
  2. American oil companies have interests in exploiting North Sea energy resources. They have (bought) "the ear" of Mr Trump. I suspect that if you dig down not very far you will find their influence in his "policies" ( perhaps pronouncements is a better description) on Greenland and Canada.
  3. Trump has an unlimited ego. Musk has unlimited money. Which means more to Donald, money or his ego? We are perhaps in uncharted waters.
  4. I must confess that extensive reading of AN during my expatriate sojourn in Thailand had led me to the conclusion that it was made up of a compact mass of matter which revolved around Soi 6 in Pattaya...
  5. Two tankers and a crane barge have foundered in the Black Sea and Sea of Asov. These were old (50 years+) river vessels which economic constraints/sanctions had led Russia to attempt to use in open waters, with which they were unable to cope. A more modern Russian cargo ship has sunk in the Western Mediterranean. This vessel was en route from Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok via Suez. For the previous couple of years it had shuttled between the Russian Baltic ports and Syria. Because it was Russian flagged and sailing between Russian controlled ports it had not been subject to effective inspections for seaworthiness; it's sinking is suspected to be due to a catastrophic engine failure and lack of "damage control " equipment and procedures.
  6. Qatar has money 💰 💰 💰 I'm sure Donnie will be "in there"!
  7. You can get a Talking Donald Trump Doll? What an awful gruesome concept Does it look anything like this? For those who don't know or recall, this was produced as a tribute to his verbal, electronic and physical flatulence when he visited the UK during his first term in office. He was particularly well received in Scotland!
  8. Red to red, and black to black, switch it on and stand well back... Works for my 12 volt DC model railway! 🚂 😀
  9. Plan: A lightning "coup de main" operation to seize Greenland, followed, after a brief "phoney war" by a Blitzkrieg campaign to overwhelm and seize Central America, Mexico and down to and including the Panama Canal. Then a few months to consolidate forces and reorganise, and then Northwards into the vast open spaces of Canada! Now where have I heard of such a plan before...
  10. Just imagine, they would have to build lots of new office blocks to be staffed with civil servants, "Dwelling Inclusiveness Liaison Diversity Officers!"
  11. Donnie left out the bits about peace on earth and goodwill to all men, together quite unaccountably with any mention of meekness and humility! They're all in the opening chapters of that Bible you are grifting Donnie...
  12. That should form the forward to the book to be published in January 2029 entitled "The Leader's Most Memorable Brainfarts". Printed in China, to be available only online, signed copies available for a premium price...
  13. So successful that a 10 minute legover with a porn star ended up costing him $130,000, 30 odd convictions for various frauds and endless derision, and the resulting ramifications (to stay out of jail) left the USA with Elon Musk calling the shots! Just when you think the whole business couldn't get any more bizarre your geriatric successful and wealthy businessman puts podgy finger to phone keyboard at 3 am and delights the rest of the world by releasing another brainfart blast of nonsense! I don't know about making America great again, it seems to have turned itself into a laughing stock!
  14. What's next eh? Demands for "Lebensraum" in adjacent countries?
  15. Well, only against countries you know you can beat...
  16. Or sense out of Chomper! "Gerry Adams, a justifiably proud Irish Republican has consistently denied being a member of the IRA or having any involvement in IRA activities. The police and security services have never produced any evidence to contradict Adams statements on the matter and has endured death threats to himself and his family for having done so. He is a far too rare example of a man willing to engage in diplomacy to end a war. " The real question of course, is was he a tout?
  17. I have little (if any) regard for Dianne Abbot's politics. However she remains politically, personally and in terms of party alignment, close to Jeremy Corbyn. She would be unlikely to have spoken thus without consulting him. Together they have a claim on a significant section of the Labour Party, Corbyn's expulsion notwithstanding. I don't like those politics, but they are perhaps more honest than the revolving faces presented by Starmer and his spectacularly unprincipled gang!
  18. How does that work then, do you 😀ring them up when you want to know the time, or do you have to go in and look? Who winds it up for you? 😀
  19. Funnily enough, I drove a cab for a while, ( I was caring for my mother with dementia and it was a job with the complete flexibility of hours which that demanded). A motorcycle policeman stopped me for a "licencing check" (they used to hassle us when they were bored). He asked me where my torch was, he looked at it,"Ever Ready" supermarket checkout special, and said "nah, you want one of these mate" and produced a steel 6 cell maglite! It would in all honesty have come in handy a couple of times!
  20. Looks like the collection stacked under the front seat of many pick up trucks! Not entirely sure that ten years is, umh, justified, in view of the sentences handed down ( or not as the case may be) in other crimes. Manchester Airport for some reason springs to mind...
  21. 1) He is talking about 20K a month, that is twice that. 2) he is talking about living frugally - although I don't really see the point of being in Pattaya if you have to live frugally. Elsewhere in Thailand 20K is entirely "doable"
  22. Minimum wage ( effectively the standard wage) is about B350 a day. Assuming a 6 day working week that means B9500 a month or so. Plenty of Thais do so. Don't go to the gym - you don't need a gym to exercise. Don't have aircon but use fans ( I have a moderate size house (4 rooms, hallway and 2 bathrooms and my electricity is about B600 a month). If you buy Western food from city supermarkets they are expensive - shop in local markets. It is doable, you can live quite comfortably. After putting my daughter through university and paying off debts my ex wife left me with that (20K) is about what I have for the month
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