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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Cueing up a Bob Smith thread about Thais are racist and don't tolerate foreigners...
  2. I'm sure that if he had waited a few hours he would have met some young ladies in a nearby soi who would have been able to dream up some really good games with these props!
  3. There were a small group of teenagers playing with water in our village for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon. Some dodgy spaghetti tops and shorts combinations, but I decided not to complain, young people need to be allowed to unwind and express themselves. Mind you, I wonder if the parents (who I know) of one of the young ladies there knew how she was "expressing herself" dancing, then they may have had other views!
  4. No fleas on Trump - they have decamped already!
  5. Of course it is crooked. If Donald Trump swallowed a nail he would <deleted> a corkscrew!
  6. Welcome to Retarius's club. Do you like dwelling in the slime under flat stones?
  7. Well, that and the bodies of young girls, their pelvises broken because they had been raped to death by the noble warriors of the religion of peace. Foul apologist that you are!
  8. Intern them. They are a defeated army which has fled across the border. If they are allowed to fly out then they will go back to fighting. And given that they are Officers and Senior NCOs they probably have good reasons for not falling into rebel hands. Some very nasty people likely!
  9. You can always put loose covers on an old sofa - come to think of it...
  10. They may well take offence at a blundering drunken fool wandering around the place trying to hit on their girlfriend's!
  11. Well if he was a pilot then he would have made sure everyone knew he was a pilot within 5 minutes of entering. What is the old joke - how do you know the man at the cocktail party is a pilot? Don't worry, he will mention it as soon as you meet him! Back on topic of course, the real solution is for white foreigners to avoid losing their tempers and attacking passing waitresses, bar girls, taxi drivers, shop assistants, people whose dogs bark in dog cafes, doctors sitting on the beach and so on. Very amiable drunk me!
  12. Used to be common in West Germany to mark the consumed drinks on a beer mat, which you took to the waitress at paying up time.
  13. For crying out loud man, grow a pair, and expell the simpering ponce from the party!
  14. Time, and it's delineation is culturally very different to the Thais. For them, in all activities except those driven by "worldwide norms", notably aviation and broadcasting, the hour and not the minutes are what matters. So something which is supposed to happen at "10 o'clock" means any time during that hour. Time does not seem to bother them, and they can be remarkably patient - except when driving!
  15. It doesn't bother me, it is obviously someone who is confused about a wide range of totally different matters, only offering to see if I could help!
  16. Oh dear, there appears to be a constantly "confused" person following my posts on this thread, no matter what I am commenting on! Go on, come clean, what is it that "confuses" you? I will be most happy to try and explain it clearly to you.
  17. Does anyone else here see the irony of the user name "freeworld" and the content of this post?
  18. Well, he was allegedly waving an axe - but then the normal pistol on a coppers belt would be sufficient! As for the SWAT overalls, ballistic helmets, and assorted weaponry; over the top, but when it is your turn to hold the keys to the dressing up locker it would be a shame to waste the opportunity!
  19. Yes. But there does seem to be on this board a small but determined cohort who enjoy the mechanics of deporting those less fortunate than themselves. They can always justify it of course - but then schadenfreude is always so much more fun if it is justified! I sense a business opportunity - a viewing gallery at the Airport Immigration Detention Centre. Perhaps premium customers could pay for accompanying the expellee on their walk of shame to the aircraft? Could be a money spinner!
  20. Whilst there seems to be plenty of involvement by Russian nationals in Thailand across a wide spectrum of illegal activity, and Phuket seems to be their playground of choice, the Soviet union sacked it in 1991 when this bloke was 3! So a bit of stretch refering to him as a former Soviet Bloc criminal!
  21. If you did that in Thailand it would be tantamount to ethnic cleansing; mind you casual observation does suggest that the "Herrenvolk" here do seem to have an, umh, individual approach to personal hair styles!
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