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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. Oh but I don't think you do - it was a reference to a well known British comedian, Harry Enfield,who built a series of sketches around a character obsessed with having more money than the others - hence the punchline "Oiy ( Brummie accent) have considerably more money than you!" Whenever a discussion on personal finances, budgets or living expenses arises here someone (several) will chime in with how do you live on a measly B*000? It contributes nothing to the discussion, purely serves as notice that the poster has more money! Hence the allusion to Harry Enfield.
  2. Oh dear, you simply don't get it do you?
  3. No, if you really must know, they are the antibiotics that the hospital gave me for an infected wound on my foot. An absolutely correct prescription of an course of antibiotics. Whilst checking me over after a motorcycle accident on Wednesday night they noticed signs of infection in the wound on my foot, an old wound, partially healed, and entirely unconnected with the accident. They prescribed the antibiotics to fight the infection, and instructed me not to drink during the period I was taking them for. I do what I am told when it comes to matters medical, not knowing better!
  4. Spaghetti strap tops, that is the thing! Aagh, nurse, the screens please!
  5. I am not particularly biased, nor am I addicted. I drink, moderately, on occasions. I also go for considerable periods, several weeks, without drinking. Currently I am on a course of antibiotics, which preclude drinking. Absolutely no problem. I can live with that. We see many posts, whenever yaa baa, or any other drugs are discussed claiming that none of these addictions are as serious as drinking alcohol. If you query the zeal with which alcohol is condemned then you are branded an addict. It is for the most part a deflection.
  6. Rubbish, frankly. Yes, alcohol is by far the most widely used "stimulant" worldwide. Yes there are many social and economic problems caused by it's abuse, but, and it is a massive but, it is neither as universally addictive nor as psychologically destructive as meth, or other artificial drugs. It doesn't destroy individuals, families and societies in the way that Meth does, and is doing amongst young urban Thais. As for what to do about it, well, nothing can be done until it's import, distribution and control is forced from the grip of corrupt officialdom which manages it!
  7. There always seem to be plenty of Thais browsing in bookshops - mostly judging by dress the more middle class. But then, compared to the UK, how many British people regularly read books? Probably a very small number. I read a lot, always have done so. I buy second hand books off the internet and have them shipped to Thailand. But I must confess I am the only falang I know who does so!
  8. Government Hospital Chiang Rai. They didn't offer any options, carted me in to the emergency room. Terrifyingly young looking English speaking nurse questioned me about what happened, most interested in my head. Talked to the doctor, issued some instructions to her team, next thing I knew they had removed my clothes and wrapped me in a hospital gown (I was a bit confused otherwise I would have enjoyed that bit!). Whizzed me in for the scan (her very good English slipped a bit when she announced " we did a scan of your head and found nothing - you must have a very thick head!". Then upstairs, drip inserted and onto a bed next to the nurses office, with a window through which I was observed. Nobody mentioned cost until the last ten minutes as I was being discharged. My daughter went to get the bill, cashier asked her if it was OK or did I need a plan, it was OK so daughter toddled off to an ATM and withdrew the cash from my UK bank.
  9. Spent last night in hospital. Motorcycle hit a fallen tree in the middle of an apocalyptic thunder storm. I was thrown clear and knocked out for a couple of minutes. Crash helmet disintegrated, but saved my bonce. Scraped up by the local "rescue crew" who appeared in 20 minutes. MRI scan of head, X-rays of just about everything, night under observation. B6000. Not money I had planned to spend but not outrageous. Probably going to cost more of that to put the bike back on the road.
  10. They attacked to kick of a war which they hoped would put the boot into any "normalisation" of Israeli Arab relations, bring in the Arab world on their side. Lots went wrong, particularly the reaction of their young men, driven by years of politically and religiously enforced celibacy when they found themselves in control of women. The Arab world refused to play and the rest of the world was reacquainted with the fundamental savagery of Islamic enforced cellibacy.
  11. Ah, the first of the "Harry Enfield: Oiy am considerably richer than you posts"!
  12. Well they did contribute an Engineer unit to the occupation of Iraq. Known, I understand, as "The Olympic Flames" as they never went out! It took an entire (Italian I believe) infantry battalion to provide force protection when they were deployed to a task. In fairness, they didn't want to be there, didn't know why they were there, were neither equipped nor trained nor able to look after themselves.
  13. There used to be SEATO, broadly a parallel of NATO set up for mutual defence. The US screwed whatever potential it might of had by insisting that the participants contributed to it's political doctrine inspired wars in the region. Some might say that they came quite close to doing the same to NATO in the Middle East over the last couple of decades!
  14. Freshly boiled water for me. I find the foam from the steradent clogs the pores in the teabags, hindering the circulation of liquid essential to a good brew. It also makes the tea taste funny!
  15. In last year's general election this fellow, and his party won zero seats. Pheu Thai won 141. He is a complete loser, an obsessive hater and fascist whose political stance and party were utterly rejected by the Thai people. Now I have very strong reservations about how Pheu Thai came to be in power. Equally strong are my views on how Thaksin's release was handled. It was a mish mash of political chicanery and intrigues; rather like the various prosecutions and " convictions" which had him sentenced, and which this fellow shills for! I also think that Thaksin's release, and no doubt in due course that of Yingluck, however dubious the means involved, is broadly in line with the Thai people's wishes, whishes which this fellow discounts utterly.
  16. He is a real estate developer Such a project will likely take 20+ years to come to fruition (profit). He has no time to waste.
  17. Has anyone considered that the inhabitants of Klong Toey are employed in the port? Now here is an absolutely groundbreaking idea. Spend a fraction of this money ( probably less than the brown envelopes for redevelopment) on providing them with decent living conditions, and get a grip on the pollution.
  18. You must really miss Uncle Adolf and his gang!
  19. A Harris Presidency would be intolerable - just imagine, colour, a woman, liberal views, people having voted for her (on Bidens ticket, but in the clear knowledge that she was in the frame). The Trumpofascists would have a meltdown with or without the orange <deleted> gibbon still being around!
  20. Cheap (good) food is a feature of Thailand. One to enjoy. Scruffy unkempt seedy down at heel farangs are also a feature of (certain parts of) Thailand. The trick is to avoid the latter. Personally, I find that cotton made to measure "polo" shirts and proper shorts are cheap, comfortable, cool, look smart and coupled with 5 minutes with an iron of the morning avoid the down and out in Thailand look. I can stride into the food court, secure in the knowledge that I am as "hansum" as I can reasonably expect.
  21. I don't want to be pedantic but if these 617 are in Myawaddy, and the city is now under the control of rebels, it is a bit late to try and flee. As far as I can make out the Government forces artillery base, which provide covering fire over the city and its approaches has been captured by Karen rebels. Add to this, due to the air force being unable to operate because of the threat from rebel anti aircraft missile systems, and the result is that probably the garrisons in Myawaddy are now pinned down in their bases. The 617 which the Junta want out, are in these bases. Their hope is that as part of a negotiated capitulation they will be allowed into Thailand, and flown out.
  22. Cueing up a Bob Smith thread about Thais are racist and don't tolerate foreigners...
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