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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. One shouldn't speculate but I suspect that over the years he has had more and better shags than Trump, and almost certainly paid less for them!
  2. You know, I may be reading too much into it but I am sensing that you may not entirely be in favour of California's political trajectory, much as you have inferred, if one considers your more nuanced offerings, that you have reservations about Kamala Harris herself. I have to say, you don't pose particularly appealing choices for the USA, either the dystopian hellhole you portray for a "progressive governed" California or the Trumpian alternative, which after Trump, Musk and the Project 2025 gang have had their way will probably resemble a cross between the breakfast terrace of the 1980s TV soap "Dallas" and the set of "Bladerunner". Even Liverpool would be preferable..
  3. So was I. Terrifying. I was sitting quietly in a bar, reading a scriptural text, when there was a blinding flash of light and I was struck drunk. A young alien, ( oddly enough she spoke Akha) carried me off. I would rather not describe the things she did to me, brings back memories which require me to lay down in a darkened room. Her name is "Min", and I still meet up with her a couple of times a month - purely platonic of course, it stops her turning her wicked attention to other innocents abroad! "Min, Min, have you put the cat out?" "Why, was it on fire?" With compliments to the Goon Show!
  4. If it is at night, they are not showing lights, and evading heat sensors, umh, how are the witnesses able to see them?
  5. "In other news", HAMAS fires rockets from launching site within 50 metres of an International Aid Warehouse. This guaranteeing that if Israel returns fire, whether with artillery or air strike, they can be accused of attacking the aid program!
  6. I am sure that it is a highly sophisticated business, carried out with great skill, compassion and tenderness - but your description does make it sound like something done with a box of power tools and a Black and Decker Workmate!😀
  7. Apparently some 90 million didn't vote at all. Landslide? Yes Trump won, I'm not disputing that. It wasn't a landslide, and those pretty little coloured maps of the USA are perhaps a little bit disingenuous, very few people live in much of the "red" territory.
  8. I'll bet the cash and bank books are now in "safe keeping"!
  9. No need for a doll, wait for 6 months or so and then show her your wallet!
  10. Major in nepotism, Minor in sichophancy!
  11. A bit like the Kennedy clan? That turned out well didn't it!
  12. Transphobic suggests fear, whilst I would not wish to wake up next to that, I hardly fear it.
  13. So instead, we are allowing Women's sports to be devalued by what are effectively cynical opportunists.
  14. I used to fence competitively - got through to the British Army finals one year, got beaten spectacularly by someone who was in the British Olympic Squad, so that is another story. But of course this bloke won, (and yes he is a bloke, no matter how he dresses or identifies), twice the size, twice the reach and twice the strength. A complete nonsense. Chap needs a haircut too!
  15. I used to have a friend whose party piece was scoring darts in Roman Numerals!
  16. They have also virtually destroyed the Syrian Air Defence Missile installations, and shattered their air force. In an unrelated development, half a dozen Druze Arab villages on the Syrian part of the Golan Heights have voted to ask Israel to annex them rather than take their chances with the likely Islamic regime in Syria. I don't expect Israel will annex the territory, ( golly, could you imagine the frothing at various mouths of they did!) but they may well welcome the people.
  17. Drunken gobshyte!
  18. Just made things a bit squishy! Ms Daniels earned every penny of that payoff didn't she!
  19. 62% was a huge amount, I was aware that marrying cousins was common amongst the Pakistani community, but I was not aware that it was that prevalent. 46% is still a disturbing figure, nigh on half of marriages. A result perhaps of arranged marriages ( very young girls) within extended families. It really is a bit medieval! I'm not a statistician, but I presume that as the practice works it's way through subsequent generations then the gene pool, to put it crudely, becomes more limited and the potential for damaged children becomes greater.
  20. You can allocate many attributes to Trump. Dignity is certainly not one of them!
  21. It would be rather funny if that were an unintended consequence of the fat orange man's blustering!
  22. You know I can't help wandering if there's some sort of back story behind this sudden desire to make Canada a state of the USA. Canada has an awful lot of valuable resources, oil, natural gas, hydro, timber, precious metals, huge agricultural potential, and not that very many people. That could add up for an awful lot of money for people with the right connections. Geographically it is of course very large, but in terms of population it is small, and it would be argued that it should be only one state, two senators and a handful of congressmen, with the right approach that could be suitably gerrymandered. It must be deeply offensive to many Canadians ( I know quite a number and have heard several times what they think of their neighbours to the south) to listen to the Fat Orange Man alternatively bullying them, and trying to make out that they are really part of his domain!
  23. Well I suppose so, he has made an awful lot of money (much of it off the American government) and has used it to buy himself into a place in the American government.
  24. I seem to recall Bob Smith claiming to come from Dorset! You haven't really quite got the hang of this changing identity malarkey have you Bob/Colin/BarBoy. You need to be careful that you don't leak information that links you to your previous identity.
  25. You have already declare your intention to publish. Given your, umh, career in your present and previous incarnations ( you surely don't imagine that you are fooling anyone do you?) that should delay your arrest by, oh, at most a couple of hours! Anyway, you fill your boots. I read the other day that you speak Japanese (!) so maybe you could publish it there.
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