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Everything posted by herfiehandbag

  1. A likely candidate, going by that CV, for one of Donald's cabinet posts?
  2. It is an absolute disgrace, in "the presence", acres of pasty skin, not a hint of toner or bronzer didn't even make an effort to "comb over"!
  3. Ah, you mean it published something you didn't agree with?
  4. The money, bizarrely, comes from those very same Trumpets! Anyway, enough of perjorative commentary about far right supporters, I'm sure that there were some jolly fine people present! Interesting that they were chanting, acclaiming victory in German. "Sieg Heil" perhaps?
  5. That particular part of the world, and Syria in particular, is awash with weapons of various sorts, there are plenty of ammunition manufacturing plants, many in the hands of various rebels. Non of the various insurgent groups will be lacking stocks of weapons or ammunition. Turkey is the big regional economic player, and without doubt they will be funding their team, Saudi Arabia probably involved as well. I doubt if the USA is funding anyone, except perhaps, indirectly, the Kurds.
  6. That must have involved some significant gymnastics!
  7. Why not go for broke, total "hermithood" is the way forward!
  8. It is a National Anthem - for a country which is specifically an union under a monarch, and was adopted under that principle, when that was "the new thing"; that was what drove it initially I think. The French sing about revolution and winning battles ( heaven knows why), the Germans idealise their engineering traditions by singing about their German overalls, and the Americans warble about flags, whilst anxiously checking their breast pockets to see that they have not forgotten their wallets! Horses for courses I suppose...
  9. It was a long time ago, he is not the same man now, besides he was probably pissed at the time!
  10. Indeed, the problem is that the possible new director of the FBI, along with let us not forget the President Elect, are publicly stating their intention to go after those who served the Biden election. So, for example, Liz Cheyney is facing possible jail, not for actually breaking the law, but for upsetting the orange cheeseburger guzzler in chief! That is, like the idea of pre-emptive pardons, an unprecedented idea. The whole idea can in truth be fairly represented as an abuse of the Presidential pardon powers, but the sort of retributions planned, boasted of, and we must expect intended to be carried out are a complete abuse of government powers, which will be rolled over by a politicised judiciary. As with his son, I think that Biden has been left with little choice.
  11. Can't quite recall the circumstances where I have heard that before...
  12. Leave them in place, clearing only essential active routes. Obviously, to ensure that they don't become dehydrated, and to help with personal hygiene they should be hosed down daily.
  13. The biggest gap or lack is political will to work on the "regeneration". As the OP mentioned there is quite simply no system to to track or manage the reservists. I was on the Regular Army Reserve of Officers for 5 years after I retired, when I retired I received a letter telling me I was transferred to RARO, but my details were never taken, let alone updated. I assume I am not longer on it (I am now 66) but have never been notified!. Kit is not an insurmountable problem, it can be manufactured, nor is the rapid if "no frills" training of recruits - the Army has learnt a lot from the programmes it ran to train Ukrainians, as have our NATO allies, but political will is the problem.
  14. A volunteer is usually someone who didn't understand the question.
  15. Please don't demean his national dress; it is a Jockanese fighting frock!
  16. Actually, I rather suspect that he has, relatively speaking, little cash. Assets are mortgaged up to the hilt and massive fines and damages,( which may or may not go away) for all sorts of things will claim what he has got and more. Trump is, like I suspect many wealthy old men, under the impression that he will live forever, and he will be tackling all the grifting opportunities open to him as President.
  17. It is entirely clear what is really going on, and the depth of your anti semitism. Posting a laughing emoji on my post (it is pretty obvious that it was you) merely serves to cement your status.
  18. I watched Jimmy Kimmel discuss this pardon. Now I know that he provokes intense reactions, (I find him funny and sharp) and I am sure some here will be sharpening their pens and opening bottles of extra strength vitriol, but this is what he said: first he said that the pardon was unprecedented, and definitely to be criticised on many grounds, but he also pointed out, correctly I think, that if Hunter Biden were not pardoned then elements within US politics would go after him, endlessly, to drag him down. They would go after him until they had him in Prison indefinitely, doing so to get to his father. This despite (as Kimmel pointed out) exhaustive Congressional inquiries over two years, which have completely failed to produce anything apart from a rich vein of conspiracy theories. Trumps nominees to run various agencies and departments have already declared intentions to hound Hunter Biden. He is, as a recovering alcoholic and drug addict, certainly unstable and mentally fragile; they must be aware that they may, possibly, be hounding him to the extent that he may well take his own life. An expectation and ambition which may be there, if unstated. President Biden's pardon to his son raises a number of issues, but it thwarts an attempt to "get" an old man, in his last years, by destroying his son.
  19. Still looking good, isn't she!
  20. I was only in Saudi for a few months, (1st Gulf War), and didn't see much of the place, but it was very much my understanding that slavery was very much still practiced.
  21. It will surely happen, far too many "interest groups" stand to make much more than a few bob from it, and the buffoon Lammy will get much political capital from it. Actually I am surprised that the old fool is still performing his tricks, I rather assumed that he had shuffled off to wherever ageing Trots go to vegetate - but perhaps he did, he is MP for Islington after all!
  22. At first I thought this was a joke, but then It occurred that in short order humour will have to approved by a suitable regulatory body, and signed off by the appropriate commissioner!
  23. I don't think nourishment is the problem there! "Getting her/him/it/they/zi oats" in the, umh, alternative meaning of the phrase is also both unlikely and disturbing.
  24. You can't post that - white parents, no tattoos, comprehensible and condescending dialogue, absolutely no concession to cultural enrichment - should be banned!
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