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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Thailand bought millions of Pounds worth of these novelty golf ball finders. The guy that sold them, Jim McCormack, was sent to jail in the UK. You will see no similar justice here as pockets were lined. Another "remote substance detector" device, the Global Technical GT200, has come under scrutiny in Thailand in the wake of the controversy over the ADE 651. The ******* **** reports that the GT200 is virtually identical to the ADE 651 and has been described by critics as a "divining rod" which uses "controller cards", like the ADE 651, to find explosives. The **** attributes the death of several Royal Thai Police officers to its repeated failures to detect explosives. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADE_651#Iraq It could be viewed that she is partly responsible for those deaths. Useless muppet.
  2. Another thai boondoggle that has failed and been Resurrected more times than the Dalai Lama.
  3. Yet more immigration embarrassment for Thailand, while both Singapore and Malaysia show the way by introducing automated gates for foreign visitors. Thailand is so far behind in the race, they probably think they are in the lead. Still, they can always put up yet more signs warning people not to take photos of the immigration areas, in an attempt to frighten them from exposing how bad the problem has become and to cover up their inability and incompetence in managing it.
  4. Indeed. The recent high-profile cases of foreign criminals serve as a convenient distraction for the criminal circus going on at the highest levels within the Thai Police.
  5. Cannot lie straight in bed this lot. 🤣 Everything is for sale here.
  6. Did you bother to read the article? She claimed the victim made her do it and tried to rape her.
  7. The usual poor management and planning to blame I expect.
  8. Just I predicted on the other thread. As obvious as the nose on the end of your face.
  9. They would steal the sugar out of your tea this lot. Amusing to see two of the country's most senior police exposed.
  10. Why not? When I lived in Bangkok, I used the buses all the time. Often, a much better option than dealing with taxis and safer than motorbike taxis too. Never had any issues in over 25 years using them.
  11. Final nail in the coffin if they legalise casinos imo. See: Sihanoukville.
  12. She was his caretaker. He was in a wheelchair. She was meant to check on him every day. He rotted in a room, body decomposing for three days. Don't keep making excuses for these people.
  13. Odd, uninformed statement that. The majority would still be living in wooden huts and riding buffalos without tourism and foreign investment over the last few decades.
  14. Disgusting behaviour from this immigration policeman.
  15. It never ceases to amaze me the arrogant stupidity of the people here. Correct. To understand, we have to go back to the original role of the Thai Police, which was a bunch of hired thugs to protect the Chinese merchant class. Total reform needed.
  16. They won't be able to fix any problems if they do not address the blatant corruption, cronyism and nepotism first. Otherwise, the cycle of coups will continue.
  17. We are investing in Vietnam and Cambo at the moment. Operations are still mainly in Thailand, but we are diversifying throughout the region to limit risk.
  18. He sat on the right-hand side of the PM when he visited Chiang Mai, with Thaksin on the other side. A clear signal to all the rivals who is back in full control now. Mafia run this country, make no mistake about it.
  19. Moral of the story? Don't rely on Thais to help you even in your utmost time of need. Maybe.
  20. He was never ill. All a charade for the hard of thinking.
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