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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. It's always someone or something else's fault. Never able to take responsibility for their own actions.
  2. Land and property ownership laws should be fully reciprocal. Dual nationals should be limited to owning land and properties based on whether they are resident in the UK. Also, fingerprinting and data collection of foreigners on arrival and departure should also be reciprocal. Hopefully we will see a move towards this in the UK once a sensible Govt. gets elected that will put British people first.
  3. The lesson? Never let Somchai fiddle with critical systems that could endanger lives without correct procedural, supervisory and managerial oversight.
  4. If there is a death due to a motor vehicle, then the driver is usually always charged with reckless driving causing death, Thai or foreigner.
  5. He also promoted Thai nationalism by paying off the IMF loan early, by blaming foreigners for the Thais' very own economic mismanagement which ultimately led to the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and a global financial disaster. Of course none of this was their fault as usual and no responsibility was taken. 🧐 I have learned never to listen to Thais giving financial advice. 👍🏼
  6. They can discuss it all they want. They are only interested in profits, which come way before health and safety and the welfare of animals here.
  7. Exploiting animals never has a good outcome. RIP to the young lady.
  8. Plenty of experience with Bangkok being the World's capital for boiler room scammers for over two decades through the 90's and 00's. Nobody really punished though. Harsher punishments for foreigners, especially Burmese untermensch no doubt.
  9. I believe it was caused by the usual bad driving. 🤷‍♂️
  10. Common. Most Thais live day to day and will call in favours which cost but must be paid back later. Probably why they had issues with paying the rent in the first place.
  11. Low 80's IQ, stunted emotional development, poor education, manipulative. Avoidable.
  12. Possibly off-duty Police and Police volunteers so very unlikely any will face charges.
  13. It was toll-free for the holidays when the accident happened. Bus driver likely thought he could go through the right hand MPass lanes. Gwen sonteen. With the speed he was going you can see he wasn't driving with due care and attention. If his brakes did indeed fail (they didn't), then he should have stayed on the main highway and allowed the bus to decelerate under its own momentum.
  14. No attempt to slow down or brake by the car driver either. Playing on phone, not paying attention, speeding?
  15. That paragraph reads as if it is the fault of foreigners.
  16. Correct. Another Thai man-child that should not be anywhere near a position of responsibility i.e. driving a bus full of passengers. It is like putting a 12-year-old child behind the wheel. Another reason (as if I needed one) to completely avoid having Thai men drive me anywhere.
  17. Never believe a Thai if they tell you they will give you money. Everybody knows, but are all too cowardly to take a stand.
  18. A few have already gone down and are doing time.
  19. Swings and roundabouts depending on who is pulling the strings at any given time.
  20. A lot of bad driving habits are still culturally acceptable in Thailand.
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