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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Wrong. Thai nationality can be revoked by the Minister of Interior. NATIONALITY ACT, B.E. 2508 (1965) Section 19. The Minister shall have the power to revoke Thai nationality of a person who acquires Thai nationality by naturalization, if it appears that: (1) the naturalization is effected by concealment of facts or making false statement of essential facts; (2) there is evidence indicating that the naturalized person still uses his or her former nationality; (3) having committed any act prejudicial to the national security or conflicting with the interests of the State or amounting to an insult to the nation; (4) having committed any act in contrary to the public order or good morals; (5) having resided aboard without having a domicile in Thailand for more than five years; (6) having retained the nationality of the country at war with Thailand.
  2. They can't drive, they often speed, drive dangerously without regard for other road users, don't wear seatbelts and often drive under the influence.
  3. They traffic Chinese and other nationalities across the Burmese border into slavery.
  4. They went from that to modified pickups in a single generation. Probably in the time I've lived here. Recipe for the current disaster.
  5. Of course he is. A couple of weeks here and any person with half a brain can see they don't know how to drive. 😁
  6. Thais are always so careful when at the wheel of a vehicle that carries passengers. I reckon it was brake failure.
  7. 🤣 I don't normally take my family to places where gang violence happens in front of the local police station. 🤣
  8. Safer than your home country though, right? Right? 🤣
  9. I was on a 737 South African Airlines flight in Africa where the pilot announced that a smoke detector had gone off in the baggage hold and that there could be a fire, so it does happen. It was a false alarm obviously, but we made an emergency landing at the nearest airport nonetheless with a row of fire response vehicles shepherding us down either side of the runway as we landed. Fun times.
  10. Shouldn't make them too comfortable as they may need to leave at any moment. Just as the Thais do, and their way is the right way. Thailand a homeland for the Thais. Britain a homeland for the British.
  11. We formed your country, and still run it by proxy through our Freemasonic networks, so maybe we are not as dumb as you believe? 😉
  12. No need, most foreigners are only here temporarily as per our visa status. Evidence is required of integration for permanent residency and Thai citizenship. Just the way it should be, the ability to revoke a visa and remove unwanted persons immediately. As the UK should be doing.
  13. They can't challenge the sugar mills they are far too powerful.
  14. Scotland has its own legal system, language, and religion.
  15. Most are on a Non-Immigrant visa. Why have to integrate when you are not an immigrant?
  16. They might have thought that it was all the fault of those nasty foreigners, as Thais never break laws, especially when on the roads.
  17. Thais have an inability to supervise or manage anything properly due to their culture of kraeng jai and the face-saving nonsense they believe in. You won't change their culture in a hurry.
  18. They are too greedy and too lazy to do it properly. They will pay it lip service for a week then it will be all back to the normal chaos.
  19. For the confused, and you must be stupid not to understand this, the word farang refers to white Europeans, and the word comes from the Sanskrit for the Franks. It does not apply to dark skinned people from the Middle East, Africans, other Asians etc.
  20. Loads of low-class loosers (quack quack) from all countries polluting Thailand now. Cheap flights, availability of drugs and ease of entry/long term stay all to blame.
  21. Imagine if Thailand had a functioning Police force!
  22. It is not a myth. This article is from 2018, but there are many more, including from the BP. A quick search turns them up. At least 10,794 lives have already been claimed this year, highlighted Dr Taejing Siripanich, secretary-general of the Don’t Drive Drunk Foundation. That figure is not a full count of the dead, Taejing said yesterday. It is based on statistics compiled between January 1 and October 21, and takes into account only deaths recorded at the actual accident scene. “This means road fatalities are actually higher because some victims succumb to injuries later in hospital.” https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30356972
  23. The Thai figures are a nonsense anyway as there is no proper data collection and deaths not at the scene are not counted.
  24. Replaced with what? Competent foreigners?
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