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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Not saying that is what happened, only pointing out the possibility that many Thais will side with other Thais whatever the circumstances.
  2. You take her to beer bars, and you have a 'proper relationship'. OK then.
  3. On the contrary, I think it is likely they collaborated and he noticed. He's a foreigner, they are Thai and that blood is thicker than water.
  4. Any bar in South East Asia that has visible 'bouncers', I avoid like the plague.
  5. All they are good for. Utterly useless to a man. I remember one cop that loved a photo op, look what is currently happening to him. 🤭
  6. They need to change the culture of irresponsibility and indifference. The only way that will happen is with proper enforcement and harsh punishments for offenders. Impossible to achieve in Thailand at the current levels of education and development, I am afraid.
  7. This was exactly what happened to me when I bought my Seal Performance. I had to redo the finance agreement because the price of the car dropped by 100,000thb from when I initially went to purchase it.
  8. And one that wouldn’t happen if the rider was properly trained and competent.
  9. They managed to squeeze in a bad foreigner at the end of the article though, even if it was in another part of Thailand and completely unrelated to the original incident.
  10. Not all of us are potless two week tourists like you bub.
  11. Indeed. I was on one of the last flights out, and was stuck in Phnom Penh for several days, until I decided to overland it back. Lucky that I did, as the airports were closed for about three weeks iirc.
  12. The monorails in Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook, all had issues when they started operating too.
  13. A couple of years ago, we sent a couple of our very experienced offshore crane ops to a well known training centre in Songkhla for the local crane operator refresher training. The training was done in a run down old simulator and the guys were assessed by someone who didn’t have a clue what they were doing and wasn’t even a qualified offshore crane op. This is offshore, which has a fairly high level of crane and lifting safety (normally they follow UK LOLER offshore), so I’d hate to see the level of training crane ops and inspectors are receiving for construction sites. I know it is regulated by the Dept. of Labour at this level. They are all over the place when it comes to lifting safety in Thailand, as the regular crane collapses, lifting incidents and fatalities prove.
  14. The Chinese-Thai gangsters are back in control so no surprise they will try to open casinos. No money is enough for these people, it is their God.
  15. Yes and no. The Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Act of 2011 (OSH) is the overarching law for occupational safety and health regulations in Thailand. Arguably; implementation, management, and enforcement of this Act are the main problems here. Thailand could do with stricter regulations that focus on specific activities, such as lifting. In the UK, lifting comes under LOLER, and it is strictly enforced. But without enforcement, any new regulations are ultimately pointless.
  16. In Thailand, the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Act of 2011 (OSH Act) serves as the cornerstone of occupational safety and health regulations. This legislation places the responsibility on employers to establish safety officers, safety committees, and safety departments to oversee workplace safety. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/enhancing-workplace-safety-thailands-revised-osh-act-michael-j--3ucgc/ Pretty much the same as under HASAWA in the UK, on which it is based on, in that employers absolutely have a legal responsibility for the safety of their employees at the workplace. Failure to meet their responsibilities results in harsh punishment. Enforcement is where it all falls down in Thailand yet again. In the UK, the HSE would be all over this. Shocking to see an employer coming out with statements like that though, that's pre-industrial revolution thinking. Just shows how far behind they are culturally and in education.
  17. No reason why Cambodia won't let him in. I know several people that live there that cannot come back to Thailand, for crimes much more serious than overstay.
  18. I find the Thai people whom I deal with at govt. and upper-corporate management level infinitely more divisive, emotionally unstable, greedy, corrupt, and dangerous than any of those in the lowly 'service industry' that I have met over the last 33 years of living here. 🙏
  19. Where are all the posters that were telling us that he really could be seriously ill, and it was not all staged? Looking like absolute mugs now. 🫣
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