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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 4 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:


    Stranger things can happen. Your expectations may be realised. Most likely a one-way trip for the A380 to a rice field to be left to rot in the sunshine whilst awaiting a purchaser.


    Most of these big uneconomical lumps will turn into coffee shops and restaurants as has happened to several of the other Airbus wide bodies that were used by Thai. 


    The main thing is the accrual of further losses in terms of assets at an insolvent and heavily indebted airline. 


    With no miracles in sight and international travel in the doldrums Thai must be losing billions per month, on top of 350 billion thb debt. 


    It's merely a question of when to pull life support. 

  2. 51 minutes ago, Emdog said:

    How about a one year free visa if you buy a condo over a million? In that year you could figure out way to extend it, or maybe just sell to next guy in line... spitballing here...

    Good and sensible idea, make it renewable based on the retention of the property. You get extended if you still own/live there. Easy. 


    Other ideas; lifetime visas and the like are pie in the sky. They hold on to residency and citizenship here like they hold onto their balls. 


    And that is never going to change. Just look at the West. 

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  3. 28 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:

    “Nasty” farangs now. Nobody actually said that. Except you. 

    Getting satisfaction from a covid outbreak. I can see who is nasty.


    Dirty foreigners then, is that better? That's actually what was said and on Twitter.


    I am getting satisfaction from watching the officials squirm, nothing to do with the outbreak in general.


    Top quality trolling though. 7/10

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:


    Sounds like he was spot on the money to me. He correctly predicted what would happen. 
    Most of the covid infection deaths have been from farang countries.


    They should have listened, it would have saved over one million lives and a ruined economy. 
    He wasn’t out there in hospitals mask less and shaking every infected hand, or claiming it was all a hoax by the democrats or suggesting injecting bleach.


    Just rational and sensible policies that have proved very effective. Very arrogant for farangs to think they are too special and should be exempt from wearing a mask when it is farangs who have and have spread covid the most. 

    It was nothing to do with the mask incident, these were derogatory comments about foreigners made on one of his Twitter accounts.


    The biggest numbers of COVID-19 positives through domestic transmission in Thailand have been Thais.


    Foreigners coming to Thailand, most of whom have been infected by Thais on flights and in quarantine facilities have all completed quarantine and not transmitted the virus locally.


    This latest outbreak is in its entirety caused by Anutin's belligerent countryfolk, whom in time of crisis and pandemic, selfishly ignored the rules and will now cost the country millions, and possibly billions depending how severe this outbreak becomes.


    Talk about an egg on face moment.



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