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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. 8 hours ago, Miami007 said:

    If you live in Thailand on an Expat salary making 10-15 times more than the average Thai plus housing and trips home every year, you are right... Great to be the rich one in a poor country.

    Not so good for the millions of Thais who will no longer have jobs and income because 35 million tourists are no longer visiting.  


    It is great but if there is to be winners there also has to be losers. 


    As a wise man once said, "the World needs ditch diggers too."

  2. On 12/3/2020 at 9:24 AM, ezzra said:

    Read what is going on between Australia and China the war or words and innuendos and trade embargo on Aussie products where China is bullying Australia after they have bough half of Australia land and business, those "Chinese investors " are like a caner taking over the body bit by bit... 

    Australia only has itself to blame for allowing it to happen.


    No sympathy here.

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  3. 48 minutes ago, Guderian said:


    And what do you think is happening to the pubs and restaurants in the UK? Are the hotels on the Spanish costas, the Algarve and the eastern Med packed out with tourists from northern climes basking in the winter sun?


    Why does this person seem to think that it's only Thailand that has a problem, and that the foreign tourism industry, that accounts for something between 10% and 15% of GDP, should be the nation's only priority? Get a life, man!


    Because he has a vested interest, as have the foreign workers at the resort I am currently staying at. They should surely be worried that their contracts will be terminated soon. The situation will surely worsen in the next few months as mass tourism is over for the foreseeable future.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Thaifly88 said:

    You would think that would be the case, but Thailand remains , and is likely to remain, the #1 destination for tourists in Asia. As much as I would like to see other countries compete, they just don’t have the tourist infrastructure of Thailand. Once the dust settles on Covid, the Thai tourist industry will roar back to life.



    Up until only a few years ago Malaysia received millions more tourists per annum than Thailand. 


    The influx of Chinese turned that on its head. 


    As to infrastructure, well that's again debatable. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Oldie said:

    I have no paranoia. I am just surprised how little is done in the meantime to control Covid here in Pattaya. I don't know the situation at other locations. And if old Farangs want to sit in bars all night without any protection - up to them. I myself never go to bars. Too noisy and you often meet the same drunkards every evening. 

    If you go to different bars you will meet different drunkards. 


    Problem solved. 

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