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Mr Meeseeks

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Posts posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Proof positive that the current situation on Thai roads is totally and utterly beyond their ability to handle. 


    Makes me wonder how they fluked the excellent results with COVID-19. 


    "We have one of the worst road safety records in the World boss, dozens are dying on the roads every day! What will we do?" 

    "Raise the speed limits by 30km/h"

    "Great idea boss, you:'re a genius" 



    • Haha 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, ravip said:

    Authorities probing why Thai woman with Covid-19 was not quarantined


    These things happen all over this beautiful planet. The entire world has forgotten that one 'prominent' person crept out of quarantine in a couple of days.

    Yes, human memory is selective and the time is variable - no ethics.

    Great whataboutery, but unfortunately I am only concerned about Thailand because that is where I live, where my business is and where my friends are.

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    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, JP canada said:

    How about just starting with clean toilets, soap and maybe something sanitary to dry my hands with besides my shirt. Or not! Think about it the next time you pick up that bottle or container of condiments that never get cleaned. 

    If this basic standard cannot be met for the customers... you can imagine the kitchens. 

    From my experience, Thai men tend not to wash their hands properly or even at all after using the toilet, so it's not really a concern. 


    We had a massive campaign during COVID-19 in an attempt to get the staff to wash their hands properly but they continued as normal, apparently thinking using alcohol gel is a substitute. 


    It's very hard to change a culture of poor hygiene. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I believe that in due course we will see policies enforced at airports whereby everyone will be rapid tested in the airport during the checkin process.


    If the test shows the presence of COVID then your trip ends there.


    This will happen, it's been tested already and it will be rolled out.


    I certainly hope so. Test positive and you ain't boarding. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

    I am surprised at Myanmar ranking. I have been there a few times for extended  periods to the North/South/West and while most people are not fluent by any stretch of the imagination, their school system encourages English teaching. It used to part of the English Dominion and it shows in their culture. I found most Myanmar people are eager to try whatever little English they have on me

    My experience is the same. 

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  6. 11 minutes ago, cmarshall said:

    Correct.  You know nothing about the science of linguistics and you don't seem to know much about Thai if you think it has only 3000 words.  I suggest you give your opinions more on subjects of which you do have knowledge.  

    The TV thread I linked to claims that the Thai language has under 3,000 words. If you noticed in an earlier post I estimated at around 50,000.


    Get out of bed on the wrong side this morning?

  7. Just now, cmarshall said:


    And your belief that the complexity of a language can be measured by the size of the vocabulary has what scientific basis?


    The basis that 1 million words (as in English) will be far more difficult to command properly than a language with under 3,000 words (Thai).


    It seems that I irritated you with my comment about complexity. Forgive me, I know little of the complexities of linguistics being not a TEFLer myself.

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