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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. Apparently not as one crashed into me last night when I was on my way home. Second one in 5 weeks. Lady in Mazda SUV driving aggressively, pulled out to do a U-turn in front of me causing me to brake unnecessarily and she moved over to the left lane, I continued up the right lane on the overpass and she turned into the lane without indicating, hitting my rear passenger side door and quarter panel. Superficial damage mostly but I am getting sick of constantly dealing with these morons day in day out. No apology or acknowledgement she was wrong of course, silly me expecting someone to take any sort of responsibility for their actions here.
  2. They sell the plug in part to stop the alarm. See here: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/extender-i4101278435-s16030529705.html? You can't stop stupid people doing stupid things.
  3. But, but, but... there's more student sword fighting in <insert name of Western country here> than in Thailand.
  4. If experience is anything to go by I have my doubts that they meet international standards. Hint: having Thais auditing who don't understand the international standards and won't give nonconformancies for not meeting clauses of the standard because they are too grieng jai or incompetent is not "meeting international standards".
  5. Not when you understand the deep rooted fear and xenophobia for Westerners that is taught in their education system. Should we despise Thais for shooting 71 year old men in the back because they can't control their emotions?
  6. What a bunch of absolute muppets they truly are. ???? I had enough of them mismanaging my company (and affairs, accounts etc.). So much easier to have effective foreign managers running things for me. They cost more but boy are they worth it. Things getting back to normal and they pull a stunt like this instead of limiting it to Chinese visitors. Scared of big brother and unable to organise, manage or implement. A total clownshow.
  7. If the UK Embassy are investigating there must be something to it. Given the reputation and previous actions of the Thai police, this is entirely believable.
  8. Fines and the license requirements will be ignored as usual. There's no effective enforcement here as Thais can't manage to do anything effectively.
  9. We are in Thailand and this is a Thai forum. We don't care what happens in the US of A. Correct.
  10. They are ruled by their egos. No mastery of self and this is evident when you see them driving.
  11. With the standards of health and safety here this comes as no surprise.
  12. An English guy is shot dead and the usual defenders of the realm come on here arguing Thailand is better than UK or <insert other country here> . You couldn't make it up. A guy has lost his life due to an emotionally unstable, vicious and violent psychopath with a gun. Get a grip of yourselves.
  13. Chief Engineer too busy with his Mia noi that weekend to sail. Mai bpen rai.
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