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Everything posted by RobU

  1. True, Boeing have been getting a lot of free advertising recently, it must be gallingπŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  2. Impossible to discuss this with you. You have your opinion which I believe is wrong. No matter what evidence to his lack of corruption is presented to you, you will still state that he must be corrupt because he is a policeman because you hate the police
  3. How many times do people have to be told. Big Joke does not depend on his salary. He, and his wife, both come from wealthy families his wife inherited billions from her father. He joined the police as a vocation, not for the money. That is why they fear him so much, he can't be corrupted by bribery
  4. Interesting that there is no mention of the make of the aircraft, I wonder if it is. Boeing
  5. What are you prattling on about? Do you think that 12 year old children should be imprisoned? The police are investigating the parents of the offending children are being investigated. Why would you want to send them to prison because their 12 year old daughters made 2 other children strip naked? It's bullying by the girls but certainly not an offence that warrants prison for the parents. Investigation by the Thai social services is warranted and if necessary the 12 year old girls taken into care. However such investigations are a complex minefield in any country and take time to resolve especially when no physical harm has been done
  6. It says in the article that the small children's carers are being guided in the process of making a complaint. What do you expect the police to do? Perhaps arrest 2 12 year old girls and throw them in prison? Or perhaps arrest the parents and throw them in prison?
  7. As I said its about the Paranoia caused by the cannabis not the cannabis itself I'm so sorry that you are feeling anxious and paranoid now I'll stop replying to your posts and you can calm down
  8. Oh and I forgot 8. Make disabled parking spaces usable for disabled people, with room on BOTH sides of the car to open doors wide, (most disabled people can drive, the car is their lifeline). don't leave a space wide enough for a car between 2 disabled parking slots because someone will definitely use it for parking
  9. Lets get something straight.. we are talking about PARANOIA caused by cannabis PARANOID people, no matter what the cause of the paranoia, are capable of carefully planning and poisoning those they perceive as threatening them. You seem as bad as any alcoholic, you won't recognise the dangers of your drug of choice you seem to think you can handle it, just like an alcoholic in denial, you can't accept that there are dangers in taking it and do your best to deny any problems that are caused by your drug of choice. the person spouting bs is you.
  10. https://healthyliferecovery.com/weed-paranoia-psychosis/#:~:text=THC (the psychoactive compound in,you feel paranoid and anxious. It has been common knowledge for many years I didn't realise that I had to prove again what has already been accepted by the scientific and medical communities. I worked as a nurse in units dedicated to treating side effects of cannabis.
  11. https://healthyliferecovery.com/weed-paranoia-psychosis/#:~:text=THC (the psychoactive compound in,you feel paranoid and anxious. It has been common knowledge for many years I didn't realise that I had to prove again what has already been accepted by the scientific and medical communities. I worked as a nurse in units dedicated to treating side effects of cannabis.
  12. When they change the infrastructure they will do far more good for disabled people and help them to be independent 1. Make handrails on public access steps compulsory 2. Compulsory Limit the slope of all ramps so that it is manageable by a person in a wheelchair or their carers pushing them. Always too steep. Also make handrails compulsory on ramps. 3. Repair the footpaths and remove the telegraph poles and trees that block them. 4. Stop shopkeepers and street vendors encroaching on footpaths 5. Repair public access disabled toilet doors and raise the height of the toilet seat. Put handrails in disabled toilets where disabled people can actually reach them to haul themselves upright. Currently every disabled toilet I have been in has a toilet that is lower than the seat of a wheelchair 6. More light controlled crosswalks with audible warning when persons can cross 7. Incorporate the opinion and advice of disabled people when building infrastructure. Currently everything 'for disabled people' seems to have been developed by able bodies people who don't have a clue.
  13. https://www.news-medical.net/health/Differences-between-Paranoid-Personality-Disorder-and-Paranoid-Schizophrenia.aspx#:~:text=Such a pervasive mistrust of,a key feature of schizophrenia. Noted that it has been recently stated that cannabis does not produce schizophrenia but it does produce paranoia and paranoid people can be violent and will go to extreme lengths to 'defend' themselves from their perceived threats including planning and executing poisonings etc over a period of time6
  14. It seems that conscription is a method of gaining cannon fodder for wealthy Hiso's who have bought their commissioned officer status to manage. Otherwise the army would become top heavy with 'Officers' The so called salaries of these conscripts are diverted to the bank accounts of their superiors. It seems that conscription is totally unnecessary if the army was just a fighting force, as it should be. The conscripts appear to be used like slave labour to service the army's business interests and give the army an unfair commercial advantage
  15. Yes it can, it can cause paranoia. Paranoid people 'defend' themselves by attacking those they fixate on, in the belief that the other person was planning to attack them or was trying to kill them. Not necessarily physically violent , they can use poisons and other insidious 'non violent' methods as has been recorded in the past.
  16. Alcohol only dwarfs cannabis because it is a more commonly used drug. If the same people who become violent after alcohol start taking cannabis you would probably see similar figures. Excess use of cannabis produces paranoia in susceptible people, just as excess use of alcohol produces violence in susceptible people. The attacker probably took alcohol and cannabis and became a violent paranoid who attacked random people because he thought they were laughing at him.
  17. I hope so too. I am merely pointing out an alternative viewpoint. I could be very wrong.
  18. Thank you for your response educated drivel is always welcomeπŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  19. Nope because as far as I know they are not
  20. I wonder why the laughter emoji at my post above. Don't you have any courage to post why you think it is so funny
  21. Seems like official corruption is now being investigated at last. Probably because they no longer have friends in high places since the Junta was ousted by the electorate
  22. Monks are public figures. They receive donations, often from people of low income to pursue their holy order. They have no right to privacy on how they spend donations or how they pursue a lavish lifestyle when the dictates of their faith are the opposite of what they do. He should be defrocked and investigated for embezzlement
  23. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Don't you love a good joke?
  24. Good investigative work by the police resulting in positive action against the company. Nice to see that the MD has been arrested and detained and will face charges, which is more than happens in the west when companies are investigated and prosecuted. It seems that these corrupt organisations/people are only now being investigated because there is an elected government, they got away with it during the Junta reign
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