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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Have you considered that it is possible that the previous mayor appointed by the Junta and not elected has connections with other unelected appointees in the government organisation that awards the contracts) ie. all the pigs together in the trough. Have you also considered the the current 'elected' mayor and deputy mayor are doing their best to unpick the web of corruption left behind by the old mayor? You seem to be constantly blaming current politicians for the actions of their corrupt predecessors
  2. Because in general these smaller cities are unspoilt by commercialism, prostitution and stupid 'resort' building ( which essentially means that tourist money goes to the resort owners in Bangkok not the people of the city because the tourists rarely leave the resort). These are the family friendly places of Thailand, no need for theme parks and amusement parks just decent infrastructure and footpaths where families can walk and gawk safely.
  3. He didn't 'give the contract' a) he wasn't in power at the time b) The contract was allocated by a central government agency, the city doesn't award contracts it is done by the central government. All he can do is impose fines he can't even sack them and employ someone else to finish it.
  4. Interesting that the contractors are not selected by the city. They are selected by a different agency. So the talk on this forum of backhanders to the city staff and politicians regarding selection of contractors is wrong. It appears that the city is doing everything it can to force the contractors to do the job
  5. For violent thugs, sex tourists, Chinese tourists who want to see the seamy side of life and sad fat old men searching for young girls and boys 1/4 of their age to use
  6. Because it's the one I know about and I know there is a DBA service which can be accessed.
  7. Thanks for the information. However if you read my post I never said he was from the UK. I said that I thought all visitors from the UK should provide a DBS report. I suppose there are similar schemes in other countries which could be used to screen their citizens.
  8. Many Thai's including my wife are tattooed. I've said before that all UK visitors should submit an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring report to weed out violent idiots like this.
  9. Pushing and shouting to prevent him from leaving because he had already assaulted one of them. I don't know anyone who carries their phone around in their hand ready to take a video. The woman saw the assault and got her phone out to video him he stormed across and hit her for daring to make effort to identify him to the police
  10. You mean don't get in and angry man's face when he is beating up a woman let him carry on and seriously injured her. Don't take pictures or a video of the perpetrator so he can be identified and don't yell at him to distract him and make him leave the other woman alone. Just let him get on with it, right? Typical misogynist attitude to violence against women.
  11. Irrelevant comment the police have a full description and video, stop victim blaming.
  12. So what you are saying is that no one should film this POS without his permission? If the woman hadn't filmed him there would be no evidence and he would get away with it. As it stands the police have irrefutable video evidence and a good description of this musclebound creep. Stop victim blaming
  13. Wrong immigration does not pay her fare home
  14. You mean that the Embassy facilitates transfer of funds which is completely different to your original statement
  15. Seems like they were targeting illegal or dubious operators with the expectation that they will not be reported to the police. What they didn't consider was if one of the illegal operators was caught by honest police, the illegal operator would spill the beans by claiming he/she had paid their protection money.
  16. True, that's why we get vaccinated. Contrary to many people's opinion vaccines do not give magical immunity, they stimulate the body's natural defences to produce antibodies just as if you had been infected. The problem with COVID was that it overwhelmed the natural defences before the body could produce enough antibodies to protect itself. That's why you can still catch COVID, but because the body is prepared it has a less disastrous effect than if not vaccinated or have been previously infected. Not so much of a problem now with the much milder variants.
  17. YAAY!!!! already had at least one professional actor. Why not an actor who is also a strong man? He could wrestle those pesky Chinese/Russians/North Koreans/Iranians/Afghanistanians(sic)...etc. into submission and make congress submit to his will.🤣😂
  18. Embassies don't pay to repatriate citizens, especially those who have broken local laws, that is a fact of international law. She will remain in custody until she can pay her own fare back to the Philippines
  19. My opinion is objective, are you aware that anyone on this forum can look at all your historical posts, 99% of which are attacks on other people's posts. You don't state your opinion up front you attack other people's opinions, and you are usually extremely sarcastic and often quote part of their post out of context.
  20. WHOOSH Gawd... (how ridiculous can you get) Why didn't you quote that part? Or do you expect everyone to read your mind as to which part you were referring to?
  21. You don't express opinions Lou, you merely answer other peoples posts in an argumentative manner often quoting what they said out of context. You don't publish your opinion first you just hang around criticizing other peoples statements. You are scared of publishing your opinions first just in case someone like you decides to have a go at what you say in the same way you do to others
  22. Yes he does, Only ADMIN can delete posts
  23. 2 years of 10 minutes a week browsing the internet doing research as a hobby (or something to occupy time when there is nothing more important to do) is most likely.
  24. It is more easily transmissible Usually the more easily transmissible (virulent) the less severe the symptoms. However, from what some people have said on this forum, this strain can be quite debilitating. So I will definitely be avoiding Bangkok, which is where it seems to be prevalent. Thank god I'm in sleepy rural Issan our village wasn't affected during the pandemic.
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