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Everything posted by RobU

  1. I tried to return an item from Lazada which was nothing like the one advertised I completed the requisite web form with pictures. A refund was made to Lazada Wallet within minutes of submitting the form. I repacked the item but there has been no attempt whatsoever to collect it for return (2 months now) and, as you say, I cannot write a bad review to warn other people about it. It's as though the whole system has been automated. Selling a duff product that they can't get rid of otherwise expecting a few returns but because its not that expensive also expecting many people to just shrug their shoulders and throw it in the bin and not demand a refund because its too much hassle. The advert is still on Lazada
  2. I have never heard of any contract which limits the number of users connected to the router. I wasn't aware it could be done. Which is your service provider? I'll make a point of avoiding it.
  3. Strange how things keep repeating, it's been 40 years since 1984. However I am not sure that the Thaiger is Thai owned in one recent article about SinSod the author was based in Manilla according to his bio profile
  4. Engineers will have a standby rota and can be called out any time from home when they are on standby.
  5. It seems there are 2 types of discount/free shipping methods 1. Seller discount and shipping which is part of the advert and is given by the seller 2. Shopee discount and shipping which is done by a voucher system which you claim at the checkout My problem appears to be with no 1. Where, as someone else has said, the advert is out of date and the sellers discount/free shipping offer has expired but they haven't removed it from the advert. I believe but I am not certain that to make false offers like this is classed as internet fraud.
  6. I have done that, still no joy in fact it often says that there are no applicable vouchers via either method
  7. Thanks Barry. Like all these sites the revenue comes from advertising. The more members the greater the revenue. The problem is that they are now alienating members who will probably leave once a better site is found. We have only had these problems since the Thaiger took over
  8. I try both methods and the so called discount and free shipping are not applied either way
  9. It seems that the only way for victims to get a case investigated is to go to social media. The woman made a complaint of assault against the man, it should automatically take priority.
  10. I think.the pilot made a responsible decision. If he had continued the landing gear could have locked. Fortunately it was an electronic malfunction. Under no circumstances does a civil airline pilot continue the flight with such a potentially serious malfunction there may be other malfunctions which caused it i.e. a cascade effect.
  11. I have tried to buy things on shopee. In the advert it gives a discount and free shipping however when I go to the checkout page there is no discount applied and no free shipping.
  12. Fully agree with you. The wai is an ancient custom of showing respect but not touching and potentially passing on disease. It is also a method of assessing the other person, the customary head bow allows you to look the other person up and down to assess for threat it means that the hands are away from weapons. Practiced by many ancient civilisations where pandemics will have occured and been noted by the academics of the times who will have advised their ruling lords to implement the wai as a customary greeting to protect them from disease and break the cycle of infection. The most common way of spreading disease is via touch.
  13. I feel for this man, he was assaulted by his uncle, again, he finally lost his temper and hit back. It could happen to anyone when dealing with unpredictable and violent people with mental problems.
  14. we have armored pushchairs with machine gun mounts for hire
  15. Smash every bone in their hands so they can no longer fire a gun or wield weapons of any sort in the future.
  16. It is a crime known as 'stealing by finding'. They are recorded on CCTV finding the cash, if they do not take the cash to a police station so that the owner can enquire about it they become criminally liable for theft. It is on the statute books of UK, US and Thailand. It is most certainly not a gift
  17. How stupid can someone get? The taxi driver knew that the passenger was a police officer (police officers are supposed to be trained observers and notice things normal people would not) yet he continued to try to scam him. However this is a really good advert for the makers and installers of this fake meter system. I bet there are taxi drivers queuing up to have it installed so they can scam tourists fresh off the aeroplanes. Since there are no spot checks they will get away with it too.
  18. No it is still theft, it's called 'stealing by finding'. If you do not report it to the police you are criminally liable. E.g. if a CCTV camera records you taking the money, the person who lost it returns looking for it, and you have not taken it to a local police station you can be charged with theft as a criminal offence
  19. The money was inside the cashbox of the ATM therefore it was located in the Bank's property when it was stolen. Therefore the bank is responsible. I think the lawyer is trying to ingratiate himself with the bank and deliberately misadvising at the customer's expense
  20. It's a good way for the wealthy to bribe politicians and high office holders to do their bidding without fear of prosecution for either party. It appears the US political system is totally corrupt and does not represent the people at all. Why would anyone give a high official personal gifts worth millions otherwise?
  21. In the UK we had breakers which were very heavy low wooden walls which extended from the seawall to the low tide mark every 20 to 30 metres This broke the wave and compartmentalised the sand, preventing it from washing away. However I suppose they are considered unsightly
  22. I apologise, I completely misread your post. You are right
  23. Thanks for the information it appears no matter what part of the political spectrum these people are on, they are all as bad as each other. I note that no one attempted to repeal this PAC law.
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