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Everything posted by RobU

  1. You said that he pulled up to the right of her. Which would be the drivers side. He pulled up to the left of her. Read your post it now doesn't make sense
  2. She wasn't driving she was in the passenger seat
  3. Read the article she was not driving she was in the front passenger seat. i.e. Her husband Boonyong was driving and he chased after the car. The Russian pulled up on the left tapped on her window and when she wound it down he assaulted her.
  4. Do the judges in the USA have Thai heritage? I wonder if the corruption in the Thai justice system is merely a copy of the US system. 9
  5. It's a cruel solution. The dog will be kept chained up day and night with no exercise. It's temper will get worse. The dog should have been humanely euthanised , it has tasted human blood and considers human children as fair game.
  6. The virgin bit was adopted by the death cults who claim to be islamic from Nordic mythology where the Valkyries carry off the dead of the battlefield. The death cults that call themselves 'Islamic Terrorists' adopted this to encourage hormone fired boys going through puberty to join their cult. It is not part of Islam and is against the precepts of Mohammed
  7. Infidel is a term to describe people who are not Muslim. Your post doesn't make sense. If they are Muslim they are not infidels
  8. Might be a good idea to help the homeless rather than penalise them. If they had a place to live they wouldn't be doing it in public
  9. This is old news it was reported as being actioned months ago in this forum
  10. Pattaya is not pedestrian friendly. Tourists and their families from the west want to walk and gawk which is impossible in Pattaya because of the state of the footpaths and having to look down all the time. The city fathers don't have a clue
  11. Seems like the lower court is highly corrupt probably local judges who can be easily bribed
  12. My nephew has travelled to Thailand for the first time this week. His opinion of Pattaya is that it is a sleazy place. It has a dangerous and badly maintained infrastructure. He agrees with me that no one should take their family there until they repair the footpaths, stop vendors and motorbikes encroaching on them, have many places where pedestrians can cross the road safely and remove the stupid telegraph poles in the middle of narrow footpaths which force pedestrians to step onto the road.
  13. Can the president commute a sentence without the backing of Congress?
  14. I am very wary of the detail in this article. It is a Thaiger mish mash, they always get important details wrong or combine details to present an incorrect assumption. Look back at their report on the passengers injured by turbulence where they stated that the passengers were injured and died DURING emergency landing. When in fact the plane had to make an emergency landing AFTER passengers had been injured and one died because of turbulence
  15. It's not a genuine Microsoft email
  16. 3 more spam emails forwarded to you today
  17. His wealth is inherited he comes from a wealthy family. He joined the police as a vocation not for the money. His wife inherited Billions from her father
  18. You seem extremely angry about this perhaps you need to read the history of the tribes of israel. They were wandering marauders who tried to take over at least 2 different countries and were kicked out for their pains. They attacked and pillaged city states and took whatever they wanted. They were kicked out by the Romans for terrorist activities. They originally stole the land they claim as theirs. They expanded Israel by attacking Palestinians and stealing their land. Prior to the second world war Zionists committed acts of terrorism throughout Europe in order to intimidate the European empires who had annexed Frica, India and the middle east into granting them their own State. The Americans gave them Israel in an attempt to stop their terrorist activities , and it worked. However the Muslims noted the success of terrorism and then imitated this practice. The tribes of israel were and still are despised across the whole of the middle east.
  19. It appears so, however the Israeli Zionists are also practicing the same, terrorist and genocidal tendencies as their Muslim counterparts in the middle east.
  20. Until the 1800's Catholics were exactly the same. Ravaging Europe murdering anyone who practiced a different faith. The inquisition and murder of innocent women, accusing herbalists of witchcraft skewing the 'tests' so that anyone who took them would die regardless
  21. She had the baby at 12. At that time there was no such thing as age of consent in Thailand. She married him at 17 the legal age at which she could enter into a contract without parental consent. Note that, in the UK, the age of consent (and marriage with the parents permission) was only raised from 12 to 13 in the late 1800's and finally raised to 16 in 1875 it is still 13 in the Vatican
  22. Not strange don't judge by modern western custom
  23. It may be likely girls are capable of bearing children at 12. Remember it was 87 years ago and the village customs were different to the west
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