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Everything posted by RobU

  1. You are making an assumption there are many things called a tank. In fact the term tank applied to the military vehicle was applied to the first military vehicles in the first world war to fool the Germans in to thinking it was a mobile water tank. The manager threw a 20kg bomb placed against the door into a tank. I presume it is a water tank or similar so the device explosion was contained. Hence the device did not blow the door off and the thieves could not gain entry and steal the gold
  2. I am confused, he goes for a procedure in the orthopaedic theatre but ends up on the neurosurgical intensive care unit. Either an orthopaedic procedure went badly wrong and he had neurological complications or he had a neurological procedure. Also to those demanding knowledge of what wrong with him, it is illegal to reveal a patient's diagnosis and personal details. There is no cover up, it is standard practice for ALL patients not to inform strangers or the general public of a patients condition.
  3. There are many different professions that call themselves 'Therapists' Physiotherapists Occupational Therapists Sleep Therapists Massage Therapists Psychotherapists Hypnotherapists Sex Therapists (a recognised profession in the US and UK) Gene Therapists and the list goes on.... What kind of therapist are they talking about?
  4. I can't see anything wrong with this. As long as they also did the work they went on the trip to do, what they do in their off time is their own business. Do the complainants think the the teachers should work 24/7 whilst away (which I believe would be abusive)? The teachers have the right to relax even when on a paid study course.
  5. Sounds a bit like Londoner's attitude to the Met. Where the police are considered to be just another gang
  6. My wife passed her driving test earlier this year. She still can't drive, but she's passed her test yay! I think 'inexperienced' is probably too mild when people are allowed to just pass the test and drive.
  7. Leave the testicles in place, remove the penis. Then they will retain muscle mass and can be used as labourers to earn money and support the girl but never be able to rape anyone again.
  8. Fully agree with you. The current medical and nursing staff shortage is purely due to senior managerial incompetence in forward planning despite warnings and information from people like me. Plus they only advertise to replace staff when the person leaves post rather than when the individual gives notice so it takes up to 3 months after an individual has left to replace them. At least one month's notice is required and the more senior the post the greater the notice period up to 3 months. They then get expensive agency staff and 'consultant's' to fill the gap and complain the NHS is underfunded and undermanned. The whole point of giving notice is that the role should be advertised immediately and the new staff can be interviewed, give notice to their emplooyer and be in place quickly either when the individual leaves or shortly after.
  9. I presume you are joking about 'Excellent managers and ministers of health' in the UK . I worked as a senior information manager in the UK NHS for a few years and spent most of my time coping with the institutional incompetence. There is a complete management disconnect where the most senior managers play politics completely unconnected to the purpose of the NHS the medical and nursing staff get the job done despite the senior management and politicians not because of them. During my time as Information Manager the most senior person in charge of electronic communication didn't even have an email account and she insisted on paper base in all her communications
  10. Soon the Thai National Health Service will surpass the UK NHS. If it already hasn't
  11. I didn't spot my typo so mildly taking the mickey is a reasonable response 😁
  12. 😂I have a problem saying R, I often Wing the Wong number
  13. Thank you @daveAustin
  14. Well why don't you give me some links to point me in the 'Right' direction? I checked with all the reputable news services. Or are you another one with an unfounded opinion
  15. After your refusal to give me a proper answer I looked this up. He sold his communications business to a Singapore group quite legally and made Billions of dollars, he would probably have become the richest man in Thailand . The army then stepped in and deposed him. The courts, under the oversight of the illegal army regime then decided to seize the majority of his profit under the auspice of Wong doing. The army regime then proceeded to dip its head in the trough and set up a political system where it is impossible for the party with the most votes to have any influence unless the former regime approves. Once the money was used up with graft and corruption and the skewed political system controlled by unelected senators was in place, the army stepped down and allowed 'democratic' elections. The courts then reduced the sentence and allowed him to return, probably seriously ill and wants to die in his home country hence the reason he is in hospital
  16. No i don't, that's why I asked. It's obvious by your response that you don't either
  17. They had elephant rides in 2019 when I visited. The also had elephant football in an indoor arena
  18. What is the crime?
  19. In the UK criminals cosigned to open prison, usually done for tax evasion, can sometimes be allowed to run their legal businesses from prison in order to get funds to repay the debt. Open prisoners are also allowed unaccompanied day release in local towns, case in Point is Myra Hindley the child murderer who was spotted more than once roaming the town near her prison.
  20. Mmmm, 'Thai Crispy Banknotes', sounds delicious!
  21. Many years ago I travelled over 200 miles for a specialist appointment to The Royal Free Hospital in London. They also lost my record and the consultant refused to see me. I was informed of this by a nursing auxiliary and told to go home. At least the doctor took responsibility and I presume tried to apologise
  22. High Viz but certainly not friendly
  23. In my experience as a former UK nurse. There have been many cases of patients desperate for the toilet who are found dead or unconscious following a heart attack. It was obvious there was a link but this is the first time it has been explained. I think you're very correct about low electrolytes, remember that medicine is big business and some medics are greedy for your money. A simple preventative solution such as drinking an electrolyte solution (you will be able to buy packets of electrolyte powder which you dissolve in a glass of water)
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