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Everything posted by RobU

  1. The risk may be higher but it is still extremely small hence it is worthwhile taking that risk. More people died from COVID than died from the vaccination
  2. Possibly for a small minority, however for the vast majority it prolonged and saved lives. It is always a risk taking any medicine or having any surgical procedure. Life is about taking risks just like crossing the road the aware pedestrian does it with the least risk to him/herself
  3. I agree, however it is human nature to strive to live and want to be healthy. Therefore we should take advantage of every opportunity to stay alive and well. Preventative vaccinations are part of that striving, unless we have chosen to die which everybody has the right to choose.
  4. COVID, like Flu, is still dangerous and can kill. Like Flu it is now endemic in the population of the world. Other countries do report on COVID. Again, like Flu, a very virulent and deadly mutation can arise, as happened with flu in the 1920's. Elderly are particularly likely to die from flu and COVID infections where the rest of the population just shrug it off, so it is wise for people over 65 to get the vaccination for the current strains of both viruses.
  5. even after police had shot the truck’s tyres as he was still able to drive on. Very dangerous and stupid to try to shoot out tyres, especially on the heavy truck tyres. The bullets are more likely to bounce off and hit bystanders. They rarely penetrate especially the steel wire lined tyres.
  6. Just got the flu jab for .myself and my wife. It's french made and cost 700 baht each, which is around the same price as in the UK (£16) I want to get the COVID jab, news reports from the UK say it costs £100 which will make a big dent in our household budget if the prive is thr same price here
  7. Homeless? Starving? Brandish an axe, make a lot of noise, get free food and lodgings courtesy of the police hospitality service. Such things used to happen a lot in 1950's England (perhaps without the axe)
  8. It was only a year or so ago that the Germans changed the law on rape. Previously the woman/girl had to show signs of injury from resisting the attacker or the case was dismissed. Human traffickers routinely rape their victims in order to break their spirit before putting them to work in brothels. The girls/women rarely fight back because of the threat of injury or death. It's likely that the 9th person was the only one who caused her any injury and the other 8 just lined up behind him.
  9. That is sexual molestation. The word rape has a greater emotional impact than 'sexual molesting' The penalties for sexual molestation can be the same or greater than the penalties for rape. The change is to skew crime figures. For the benefit of men who use gender identification as a a cover for their crimes also hoping to be put in women's jail's so they can continue raping helpless women.
  10. True but using the abattoir saves bullets since the use spikes to the brain
  11. This creature is no more than an animal, it should be humanely destroyed at an abattoir and the diseased carcass burnt
  12. He should have received instant dismissal and been charged with assault. However I presume he has connections in high places and probably bought his status within the service. Those young men are likely to risk their lives in the future and may have done so already in the past, there is no defence whatsoever for his behaviour.
  13. First time visitors don't know that the prices are higher since 'duty free' in any other country means cheaper. Scamming first time visitors
  14. I don't buy duty free l. I presume it means VAT and alcohol tax free. Carry on selling it but with all the taxes added. The sales may drop but those people desperate for alcohol on arrival will still buy it since the price should be no different to the retail shops in Thailand
  15. No updates on health of convicted former PM Thaksin Hmmm... This is news????
  16. Corporate organisations holding government to ransom
  17. why do the reporters feel it necessary to give the registration of her car? Totally irrelevant invasion of privacy
  18. An UPDATED (2014) wokey American definition of rape for the Transexual community so that men who Identify as women can still be called women when they commit rape
  19. A woman cannot rape another woman unless she has a very large clitoris. Rape is sexual penetration by the penis without consent. Hence women, girls, boys and men can be raped by men but only sexually molested by women.
  20. Has he been arrested and charged by the police, or is he a person of special interest who has the local police in his pocket?
  21. If all prisoners have their medical bills paid by the state then this is a non story and a deliberately inflammatory article, trying to imply that he is getting special treatment. It is published to agitate public opinion and cause trouble.
  22. 'Educated' Thais who hold position of responsibility are racist to the core persistently abusing their positions and begging for bribes. Jealous sick of white foreigners who come here spending their pensions adding to the economy. Evidenced by the government's financial leeching of expats Most normal Thai people are friendly and polite, perhaps in some cases envious but not jealous to the toxic levels of 'Officials'
  23. What is the purpose of a 'Welfare Centre'? Why was she there? Why couldn't the family visit her? How far away from the family home was the welfare centre? This is rubbish reporting
  24. If this iceberg hits the gulf stream and cools it, the gulf stream may even change it's course. The UK could be in serious trouble and end up with the same weather as Norway which is on the same latitude. Its only the warm gulf stream which gives the UK its relatively mild weather
  25. I've emailed the Thaiger and asked them to stop publishing fake news and get the facts right. A similar kind of thing happened during the pandemic when certain publications called the initial anti covid jab a booster jab which it wasn't
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