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Everything posted by RobU

  1. Perhaps he was passing through on his way up to heaven?
  2. Thanks bradiston I missed that. I think you're right he would pay the fine and go to prison just for the peace and quiet
  3. Where is this reported. The original article doesn't mention that only toy guns were found
  4. The 'Pharmaceuticals' are usually medication to help sleep which is a major problem for most PTSD sufferers. It is lack of rest and sleep due to the nightmares and daytime flashbacks that causes the kind of emotional problems this man displayed. So the noise from the work was actually creating the problem. As I said before peace and quiet and love are the best medicine.
  5. I agree the best treatments for PTSD are peace and quiet and love.
  6. Age of consent in Thailand is 15 Germany is 14 UK is 16 No person under the age of 18 can be paid for sex in england. Prostitution is not illegal in England, just advertising sex for sale and streetwalking. Persons giving money for sex to persons under 18 face criminal charges. I believe similar laws may apply in Germany where again Prostitution is not illegal and neither is advertising sex for sale. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand so the man is only guilty of paying for sex in thailand unless there is some convoluted law in Thailand which recognises prostitution in a roundabout manner. The girl was under 18 at the time therefore the German man may be guilty only in Germany of paying for sex with a minor. I reiterate he may just be guilty of paying for sex in Thailand.
  7. The standard of major construction projects and roadworks seems to be very poor in Thailand. Remind me never to buy a condo here
  8. Are you for real the sad emojis on your post are a criticism of your total insensitivity and lack of understanding of the real world. Do you really think she wants to live in poverty and hasn't tried. She can't get a second job because she would have to leave the children during hours when the mall isn't open, and if you read the article her landlord won't allow the children in the property without the parents
  9. When I worked as a Registered Nurse the most common reason for a nurse to be struck off was medication error. Often it was due to overwork and mis reading of the prescribing doctor's atrocious handwriting
  10. My sympathy is with the parents. They have done everything they can to keep their family and not beg from the state or charities. The mall is a very safe place to leave the children under the supervision of the eldest. Cameras and adults everywhere, kind stallholders looking out for the kids, it is possible that the parents didn't realise that the stallholders were subsidising the 40 baht allowance by giving extra food. Good luck to them I hope things turn out well and there is a follow up to this story
  11. For those who are considering getting the latest COVID vaccine, it is free in Thailand. I have just been to our local state hospital where I was informed of this. Of course, private hospitals will make you pay.
  12. Which reinforces my point that this is about average household income not individual income.
  13. It is still household income but one person (the immigrant) does not work, because s/he does not have permission, so the other partner has to earn it all. Once the immigrant partner gets permission to work his/her contribution will be accepted as part of the household income
  14. That is the median HOUSEHOLD income. I.e. the income from both partners if they are both working or a single partner if only one is working. The new regulation is based on household income since foreign partner's income is also taken into account
  15. Wrong Section 120 Whereas an Employer relocates the place of business to another place and it significantly affects the normal living of an Employee or his or her family, the Employer shall notify the Employee of not less than thirty days prior to the date of relocation. For this purpose, if the Employee refuses to go to work in the new location, the Employee is entitled to terminate the Contract of Employment and receive Special Severance Pay of not less than fifty percent of the rate of Severance Pay he or she entitled to under Section 118.
  16. Perhaps redundancy payments would depend on the employee's years of service in the UK or US, however this is Thailand and the laws of foreign countries don't apply here
  17. I agree, the author obviously doesn't understand the concept of redundancy and redundancy payments
  18. And then later on it says former employees were grateful for the lump sum payment to help them get jobs elsewhere
  19. My friend brought her father back to England. He had been living as an expatriate in the US for 30 years. He registered with a local GP and immediately received full NHS benefits for his complex heart conditions. As long as you say you intend to remain you get all benefits immediately. I think this means you can't get NHS benefits whilst out of the country. i.e. the NHS will not pay your medical bills in a foreign country. The old NHS is split into 2 parts now ie commissioner and providers. Part one is the NHS called the commissioner. Essentially it is a medical insurance company, it is classed in law as a private company, with all shares wholly owned by the government and has been ready to be floated on the stock exchange for many years under labour and conservative governments (the liberals also keep quiet about it). The providers are the NHS Trusts of which some are run by private companies. What this means is that an NHS trust or GP practice cannot be set up outside the UK. I understand that Norway has similar free healthcare system but because there is no limitation all Norwegians have their medical bills paid by the Norwegian NHS if they need medical/surgical treatment whilst abroad.
  20. Reading this it seems like the longer employed staff are getting a redundancy payment of 75 percent of 3 months of salary as a lump sum. NOT 75 percent of salary for 3 months
  21. So, the Chinese police are already operating in Thailand. Just wearing RTP uniforms instead of their own 🤣😂
  22. Very much on the high side they say the average income is 30000 however that is skewed by the very highly paid upper income workers. The median salary is around 22000 (the median is the amount the majority of workers earn)
  23. I don't understand what you are asking for
  24. https://www.chula.ac.th/en/news/78251/ Explanation of group 608
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