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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 1 minute ago, Bruntoid said:

    You old uns just can’t help yourselves. You worry about what time you’ve got left and let them make decisions on their futures.

    The younger generations voted overwhelmingly remain but were undone by old people with ill educated grudges who will be gone soon.  It should be them worrying about their future not you. 
    Their votes should tell you you have shafted them. 


       May I ask how old you are ?

    You keep calling me "old"

    What is your age ?


  2. 14 minutes ago, bermondburi said:

    Go back to work in February. 


    Glad you have the choice to spend as much time as you want on TVF. You are truly blessed. 


      Its intellectual mental stimulation, conversing with other people . Which is better than sitting watching television , drinking beer with a mate who says the same thing every day , walking around a grass field using a stick to  try and get a small ball down a small hole , reading a fictional book , sunbathing , drinking beer on the balcony .

       Plenty of worse ways to spend your time 

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, david555 said:

    THose big Dutch hold are under U.K. flag .... they are owned by millionairs ... be sure they know what they do , and so do Boris .... would cost a fortune to get them back or in legal fees 

    Frank Bonefaas  is the ship name 




      What is your point ?

    Are you saying that as the French cannot fish in British waters , the UK should stop Dutch  boats as well ?

    • Confused 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    Now there’s an offer I’m finding hard to refuse !!


    Shall I bring KY ?


      Just got a telegram from my girlfriend , shes just arrived in Thailand and wants to spend two weeks in my house under quarantine , she arrives in five minutes , so, gives a shout next year

  5. 1 minute ago, bermondburi said:

    ASQ consists of internet, TV, eating, exercise, talking with family and friends, sleeping. 


    Normally, I'm in the Gulf working. 


      I personally dont really like working , if I had the choice (which I do)  between going to work or spending the day not working, I choose the latter .

      When are you due to return back to work ?

  6. 9 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Boris, like most of the political leaders relies on advice and information given to him by aides, ministers etc. He didn't personally go to Kent and see for himself but relied on information given to him. It depends on who gave him that information and at what time, so if it was wrong the person giving the information was wrong and not Boris.


    OTOH it is easy to pick on Boris as he is the person you see.


      Yes, maybe he was given correct info in the morning and when he divulged that same info in the evening, it was out of date info , as there was a continuous arrival of lorries throughout the day 

  7. 3 minutes ago, david555 said:

    i blame myself to not stored just a few days ago Boris abandoned that idea to change that ..... damn   i have to look for it  


      If theres no deal , then French fishing boats will not be able enter British waters , some which stretch 200 miles from our shores .

      Other E.U boats will not be able to enter British waters either , which means they will all congregate in French waters , it will be awfully crowded in your waters .

    • Confused 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Bruntoid said:

    There it is again - a sanctimonious selfish insular old person thinking they know what’s best for the younger generations! 

    It’s their future not yours - but you have whipped the carpet from under their feet to make your last few years a little more smug. It’s they who will have to repair your damage. 

    No grandparent should be sleeping easily  (one with any thought to their grandkids anyway) 


      IMO , Brexit will be beneficial to the UK .

    Time will tell though .

    The younger generation will not have to compete with the never ending cheap workers from the EU .

    Hopefully the younger generation will be able to earn a decent living wage in the future

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Not just the French drivers trying to get home.  If you check the registration plates they are from many different countries in mainland Europe.  At the moment over 1,700 lorries waiting in Kent.  Yesterday at the live press conference Boris said there were about 150 lorries.  Immediately afterwards a live broadcast showed hundreds and hundreds of them all stationary.  Why does he continue to treat the public like idiots that would actually believe all his horse manure.


      Boris was talking about the lorrys parked on the M20 , rather then the total amount of lorrys waiting in Kent .

    New lorrys were arriving throughout the day to add to the number , so maybe he just had old information ?

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, Bruntoid said:

    Good luck with that

    English wine is growing in popularity and is increasingly recognised as a premium wine-producing region, with more than 450 wineries and around 3.15m bottles produced a year.

    The most popular grapes varieties grown in English vineyards are Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Bacchus, as well as Pinot Meunier and Ortega.

    Whilst vineyards are found across the whole of England, the climate of the South and South East makes it a particularly popular region for growing vines, especially in Hampshire, Sussex and Kent.

    2018 saw a bumper harvest, with yields doubled in some vineyards.



  11. 7 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    This guy was born in Scotland, 4th generation. he's a kind of hero of mine. I follow a lot of his recipes but cut down on the red chillies ( is it ok to say red ? )

    You describe his skin colour as though you were being interviewd by the police. ????

    His name is Tony Singh.



      When was the last time that you were in the UK ?

    If you describe a person to the Police and mention their skin colour, you are likely to be arrested yourself for racial discrimination . 

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