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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 2 minutes ago, david555 said:

    You would like to send your pilots and air crew by dinghy's that time .... nice remembering's on your hero's ...


    says a lot of present called brexiteers mentality  ...


      I was asking you a question, I wasnt suggesting a preference .

    It was also a subtle reference to the way you send illegal immigrants over to the UK these days 

    Something you failed to notice .

  2. 34 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


      We have mnay feilds in the UK that do not currently grow food , reason being thr E.U doesnt want too much food produced , which causes food mountains  .

       The E.U pays out farmers NOT to grow food .

    Once we get food growing again , food will be plentiful 


      SEE David, after reading your posts , my English is declining 

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  3. 1 minute ago, david555 said:

    But only you can from U.K. ?..... OMG.  ????


      They are probably regular contracts , the food is grown specifically for France , ordered years before .

    Theres not thousands food laden of lorries driving around Europe looking for hungry people .

      Much of the E.U grown food is already allocated to people .

    Can you make cake ? 

  4. 1 minute ago, david555 said:


    "Once we get food growing again , food will be plentiful "


    Better start now .....

     But ...but  no ore places to Fox hunting ... or golfing ....? ????  Moggy wont like that missing & destroying  English culture ...???? just to feed the poor ????


      Planting seeds in winter !!!!!!!

    Surely not , Spring times the time to be plating seeds to grow things 

  5. 6 minutes ago, david555 said:

    i would not be surprised those Garners  bottles get a Polish printed etiquette on them in Poland already with Polish onions inside ....????

    remember your dark blue U.K. passports  .....

    BTW thanks for the opportunity to make them for U.K. ????


       The new UK passports are being made in *Wherever they are being made in the E.U* because of E.U regulations .

    The UK had no other choice in which company to choose to make them .

      E.U regulations state that  the UK couldn't nominate a UK company to make the passports , thats why we left the E.U

  6. 2 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    I believe the EU's original demand was about that amount...whatever the final amount, once May agreed to pay anything BEFORE having secured the exit terms, she lost all her leverage. The better sequence would have been to set the terms of trade, fishing, etc. first and then move on to the financial settlement. Bad exit terms...no to low financial payment.  


       Those payments were for contracts the UK had already signed , we were legally obliged to pay them 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Another cretinous statement.....they are British businesses all of which will fail to deliver and as a consequence lose much needed profits.


    That trade will now switch to EU companies.....well done....eat cake OMG!


      So, why were the lorrys queuing to to get into France ?

    What was in these lorrys and where were they taking whatever was in the lorrys ?

    Your claim was that the UK would go hungry..................because food laden lorrys in the UK couldnt get into France to deliver their product .

     UK firms may lose their payments , but its the French who wont get the food 

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  8. 1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    The same applies for African kids. So why prefer the one over the other? I think that was the question. 


      There is so much aid and food to go around , INICEF doesnt have an endless amount of money .

    Aid given to the UK means a reduction is aid to Africa .

      Do you agree with UNICEF giving food aid to the UK .

    I am open minded and am willing to change my mind again 

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