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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. On 12/21/2020 at 6:26 PM, Surelynot said:

    .....and things had been going so well.......


      Just been reading an update from the lorry drivers .

    Most of them are E.U Nationals trying to return home for Christmas , after making their deliveries in the UK .

    The UK supermarkets are full , just some poor French lorry drivers going to have to spend Christmas in their lorry cabins in Dover , whilst collecting parking tickets for illegal parking 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    Someone quoted/posted that one of the reasons people voted to leave was because lies were made up about vast numbers of Turkish people were waiting to come to uk if we stayed in the EU.

    I just posted that people were happy to believe if we stayed then in would be an open door situation for people to 'walk into uk'. 

    Most idiots in uk who are racist would read that as being 'others who are not British white' would take over the country. 

    On my part it was a dig at the F-wits in UK who are racist.


    My wife and me are about the same colour, a certain poster probably won't understand that.



      It was generally know in the UK that Turkey had little chance of joining the E.U anytime soon .

    And I dont recall Turkey being mentioned by anyone in the months before the Referendum vote .

    Anyway  its just not acceptable to refer to people as "Dark skinned people" and it doesnt matter what context you used that term it, its simple unacceptable these days .


    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Yep. Clearly our 'friends and partners' in the EU are trying to heap pressure on the UK to cave on their demands.


    Ironically it might misfire, since if they're going to block everything anyway due to Covid then No Deal will be merely a pimple on the arze of the chaos.


      Didnt think of that , the French could be using the blockade to put pressure on the UK to come to an agreement with them . 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    Try asking a Brexiteer to do better than an un-sourced one-liner, it's a bit harder than that, I guess.. 


    Now I'm not finding the poll, but I remember a majority of tory voters in England are favorable to Scottish independence. Like you seem to be, they do not like the them much.. 


      No, not me, I have nothing against Scots and would prefer to keep the UK as it is and I prefer it if the Irish can come to an agreement and not revert back to any hostilities 

  5. 10 hours ago, Tagged said:

    Two years, and everything will be as normal. 


    By end of 2022 the population will be vaccined, and as said before the infrastructure with everything tourists will need is in place. 


    Everything else is to pessimistic, and people back home just dying to jump on the first plane to come here to get some sun, diving, climbing, golfing, hiking, or to go to Pattaya and drink beer throughout their whole holiday. Nothing will change unless Cambodia or any other country come up with better and cheaper holidays and convinient routes to get here. BKK is for many the easiest destination and with good infrastructure throuhgout the country easy to travel when first here. 


      I do disagree , tourism in Thailand was in decline even before Covid .

    Every year the tourist season seemed to getting shorter and shorter , the tourist season used to last from September to March and then it was low season .

      In the last few years , tourist season was December and January and low season for the rest of the year .

    Thailand's high prices , drinking restrictions , even difficulty getting visas and various other reasons are some  reasons why Thailand may never again be what it once was .

      Over the years , how many "Final nail in the coffin" has there  been ? 

    Put all those nails together and we have the current situation 

  6. Just now, overherebc said:

    Where the hell did you get the idea I don't like dark skinned people? Do you have an attitude  problem or just don't understand my post?


      Its unacceptable these days , to label people by their skin colour .

    Also , Turkish people are not that dark skinned. Its not acceptable to call people "dark skinned people" , even if you were trying to accuse others of being racist

    • Like 2
  7. 49 minutes ago, Hi from France said:


    Obviously I am as disappointed as they are that the Tories turned into national - populists and we are in this catastrophy. I hope Britain (or at least Scotland and NI) can go back and contribute to Europe with us in the future ???? 



      You are asking/wanting/hoping for Scotland to contribute to the E.U!!!!!!!!

    Thats like asking a German to tell a joke 

    • Haha 2
  8. 4 minutes ago, david555 said:

     one here for instance .... and further look yourself  for them if interested 


    Brexit news: Fury as French official uses ‘irresponsible’ channel closure in Brexit swipe | UK | News | Express.co.uk

    ‘Irresponsible’ France uses border FURY to take Brexit swipe - ‘Could have helped!’

    A FRENCH official has claimed the nation "could have helped" the UK battle the new Covid-19 strain if it hadn't voted for Brexit as the two nations battle over the shutdown of the French border.


    PUBLISHED: 06:03, Tue, Dec 22, 2020 | UPDATED: 06:05, Tue, Dec 22, 202


       They were not "screaming injustice about France taking control of its borders"

    I cannot be bother to explain what the article meant , but the article simple stated they thought the move to close the border was "unnecessary "

    • Like 2
  9. Just now, Hi from France said:

    EU countries are in an unprecedented recession too!


    Some have been hit very very hard: Spain, Italy, France.. but none has been hit as hard as the UK.


    The eastern Europe countries have been less hit by covid, so European solidarity is also going the other way now. Greece did pretty well actually.



    And the fact the UK is out and cannot veto has allowed for unprecedented measures:




    Mostly, Brexit is a sad thing, but really the UK being out allows us to do much more together now






      Finally, you are happy that the UK is no longer a member of the E.U.

    It took a while , but glad we are both now in agreement 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Hi from France said:

    For me the issue you could tackle with us is why did the Brits not care about fish? Why did the prioritize banking?


    And why is suddenly fish all you want to talk about?


       EU /UK negotiations have nearly all been completed , the only disagreement now seems to be about fishing rights  .

      That is now what its such an important topic .

    I am surprised that you even had to ask that question 

  11. 56 minutes ago, david555 said:

    He said: “The position is unchanged. There are problems. It is vital everybody understands that the UK has got to be able to control its own laws completely and also that we have got to be able to control our own fisheries.


       That is quite a reasonable request .

    Would the E.U be willing to come to an agreement, if the E.U had to abide by UK laws ?

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