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Posts posted by CorpusChristie

  1. 1 minute ago, kingofthemountain said:

    it's foreigners.

    As i writed only 30 people are allowed in the temple at the same time

    nothing wrong for me to reserve this 30 places to thai people. And yes

    they check the ID national thai card of each visitor before the entry.

    From the link in the first page of this topic 


    “ONLY THAI PEOPLE, NOW NOT OPEN FOR FOREIGNERS,” announced a  sign in front of Wat Pho, known internationally as the Temple of the Reclining Buddha....


    The temple also said that Thai visitors must wear masks before entering and have a temperature lower than 37.5. Only 30 visitors are allowed in at a time....''




    Oh no , I came all this way to Thailand and Now I cannot visit  a Temple

    That's it, enough , I'm going home  

    • Confused 1
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  2. 3 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    So from today the Tower of London says no foreigners allowed only UK citizens, would be that xenopobic and racist to foreigners?

    You are in the UK .

    We are in Thailand 

    You stick to your rules, we stick to ours .

    Here in Thailand, we have nearly defeated Corvid 19  

    You in the UK are still in the midst of it .

    Let Thailand deal with it and dont dictate to them what they should be doing 

    • Confused 1
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  3. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    1. There is no evidence of your claim that anyone wants to punish Baden-Powell because of his father’s support for slavery.


    2. Baden-Powell is long dead and beyond punishment.


    3. The evidence is the removal is prompted by concerns to protect the statue.


    4. It’s not 1939 all over again.



    I said "The next one in their sights"

    I wasnt referring to B-P , I was referring to another statue in their sights that they want to remove 

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