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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Pity, Indonesia women are dynamite in bed.
  2. Congratulations ????
  3. Lemme see, landing face first on the ground with a full face helmet, vs nothing on your face...hmmmm
  4. Perhaps for your visa depending on the embassy or consulate (not sure). Definitely not for annual visa extensions based on work or the work permit itself. I didn't need it when I made my initial working visa in Laos 8 years ago. And I haven't needed it for any yearly extensions or for my work permit either.
  5. Yeah. Ever heard of POLICE doing their job? lol! And your point is meaningless considering that Thailand has some of the most dangerous roads in the world and that is because of THAIS, not foreigners.
  6. So sad. The number 1 thing I'd change about Thailand is the <deleted> driving.
  7. You clearly don't watch the news. It's been reported a lot.
  8. How naive. The legal system isn't truthful or just. It's just a game of technicalities and loopholes. She could have willingly turned around and participated and still got the payout. You know that.
  9. No, I can see that it's unclear.
  10. Yeah, exactly my point. We don't know.
  11. We don't know what was said exactly. He could have said, "turn around and I'll spank you" Colleagues engage in all kinds of hanky panky and tom foolery. Doesn't make it abuse.
  12. Seriously, if he was like, "turn around for a spanking" and she turns around and gives him her <deleted> to spank......you are saying that wouldn't be consent?
  13. That's what I'm saying, we don't know. These are all 'maybes' The 2nd one though, loss if face, isn't an excuse. I am sure we have all been embarrassed by our actions.
  14. I kinda disagree. If they have the right to marry, then they have the right to adopt children as a couple. But look what they are doing with their children: giving them puberty blocking medications as an LBGTQ lifestyle choice. There's liberty and then there's too much liberty.
  15. But why did she stand up and turn around to receive the spanking? That's what I don't understand. Is that not consent? Of course, what they were doing is inappropriate for the workplace, obviously. I am just trying to get to grips with what actually happened. Can't seem to tell if he just grabbed her or if she was participating. I mean, in my years working back West, I have known a lot of x-rated things to go on between willing participants in the workplace (e.g. fellatio in the stockroom, bonking in the toilet, etc etc)
  16. I just don't get why she stood up and willingly participated in the foolery................and then after that filed a complaint. Sure, it's inappropriate for people to act that way when they should be working, but doesn't it read like a consensual act between the two? She may have been embarrassed when others were told about their behavior and there's also the financial compensation too.
  17. So, lemme get this straight: She stood up and willingly turned around for a bottom spanking at work from a colleague (basically carrying on/flirting/ misbehaving together in the workplace), then she gets awared 90 grand and no doubt the other participant loses his job and gets a criminal record?
  18. No bank statement required?
  19. Justice served. Well done.
  20. Not income taxes. And there's no import tax on local swill, so I dunno what you are talking about.
  21. There would be less prostitution. The reason why there is so much prostitution now is cos for an uneducated village girl the choice is: 1. 300 a day (12 hour days) 2. Make a fortune slingin' your hoi
  22. In the UK, a pint is like 4 pounds or less. That's like 160 baht. And that's for a nice pint of Belgian beer for example, not Asian <deleted>. Down Sukhumvit, you'll pay 150 a pint after 8pm. 120 a small bottle is normal. You are not expected to tip just for sitting at a bar in the UK. Restaurants, that's different.
  23. Uhm.....the business owner's pocket. Lol And don't tell me they can't afford it cos that's BS. For example, bars in Europe can pay their staff more an hour than Thai bars pay their staff a day, yet the cost of a drink isn't that much different. Not to mention, in Europe, they have to pay higher taxes, more expensive utilities etc etc, yet they still make a profit! In Thailand: 150+ baht drinks, cheap utilities, low tax, yet staff get only 300 a day! Yeah, I know: rent. But you think rent is cheaper in the West? No, it isn't. Thai businesses take a hand at their staff and their customers, even. Time they paid up.
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