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Everything posted by 2009

  1. Yeah, seems like they are using redundant words, right? Thanks for the other examples.
  2. I know. It just seems weird to say: "I'm looking and seeing" (mong hen) and "I'm looking, but not seeing" (mong mai hen) I think these are the literal translations.
  3. The way he solves that problem is: trade the land for money.
  4. The Singaporean directed the tuk tuk driver. If they had been first time tourists they'd have been around the block a few times for 500 baht, lol
  5. This one has always seemed weird to me.
  6. Why would anyone get into a tuk tuk with this guy? First time tourists, ok, they don't know better.
  7. So sad. We all know the roads are dangerous and accidents happen. That's why helmets and seatbelts save lives. They shouldn't have been in that position.
  8. That's nuts. Even if I tipped 250 when I go out once a week, that's still 1000 a month. 12 grand a year. That's still a lot. That's my health insurance or my car insurance, for example. That's a family holiday to the beach, even. I mean, the service had better be good. Lol Fortunately, the service I experience in the depths of lower Sukhumvit is never really worth tipping for. Better stick the cash in your kid's piggy bank when you get home.
  9. True. They are asset rich, liquid poor. Other people like myself are liquid rich, asset poor. BUT it ain't a reason to think, "This person is poor; I'd better be charitable."
  10. Exactly. My problem with tipping is this scenario: I go to a farang pub and spend 1000 on pubgrub and pints and I choose to tip 20%, so she gets 200 baht, regardless of service -- may be good, maybe not good. She then goes to a Thai steakhouse (where there is waitstaff service) and spends that 200 on, let's say, a pork steak and an iced drink (which is not an uncommon thing for Thais of various classes to do from time to time). Would she leave even 20 baht (10%)? You would think she could. But not likely. Maybe if there's 2 baht change or something she might leave it (but only because her ego won't let her pick it up, not because she wants to tip the staff). Now, let's suppose this waitress in the Thai steakhouse is your own daughter! I say, when in Rome (or Thailand), do as the locals do. Save your tips for your kids. Don't go throwing your money around. Maybe on rare circumstances when service has been particularly good, okay. That said, I'd always tip in my home country (because they tip others).
  11. Also, the average taxi driver can make 30k a month EASY which isn't far off what many farang a teaching for around the country. A waitress or regular massage therapist can make 20k EASY. These are uneducated people making decent money from their trade or business. Why would you think of them as being poor? Even two Thai teachers married (or government officers, police, soldiers etc. etc.) earning 15k (minimum) a month have a household income of 30k. But people would probably think the farang teacher is better off earning that on his own (while his bludger wife brings nothing to the table). Yet the household income is the same. Not all farang here are retired millionaires. Many here are working and not earning a fortune and are basically single parents with several dependants including a wife.
  12. This just isn't true. And I ain't just talking about the Thais driving BMWs or my condo landlord. The typical villager with a million baht rice field (which is typical) probably has a higher net worth than the average farang English teacher here.
  13. I'd agree. YouTube has plenty of videos on keto and Paleo etc etc, but this guy's approach is a little different.
  14. So, this doctor just eats: meat, fruit, eggs, milk, and honey. Claims vegetables are bad. He looks good for his age. 45 What do you reckon? https://youtu.be/HS5VsGWyWOw
  15. Why not white female? I think white females are truly the most privileged.
  16. What about for those who have two passports (e.g. British, Australian) You think they would know it's the same person?
  17. Most language learners get to a point where they have reach a level of proficiency to satisfy their needs. Few continue further. And I certainly don't think I'll be having eloquent conversations about refined topics in Thai anytime soon with the company I keep. Lol. But if those can get by happily without any Thai, fair enough. Why should they learn?
  18. Farang is only used to categorize all whites together. Really, it is the same as saying: oriental, <deleted>, chinky, gook, spick, beaner etc. etc. There is a polite word used to describe ALL foreigners and that's, "Tangchaat" (ต่างชาติ)
  19. To the lower classes, children are just a social security policy; pension. In other words: money. Even those who can afford an OK education for their kids, still neglect them. Money is number 1.
  20. This is my understanding too. Though, Krusapa told me the exam might be twice a year. What I'd really like to know is amid all these changes what's their stance on how many waivers you can get while waiting to take the test? (especially considering there weren't any tests available in 2020 or 2021 due to covid; so our only opportunity since the 2019 change has been one test earlier this year in February) There will be a lot of people sitting on their 4th waiver now and they didn't have much of a chance to sit the test.
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