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Everything posted by 2009

  1. You should probably tell him that you knew he was German when you saw him putting his towel on a deckchair at the hotel to save it, and then walk away and leave it taken for the rest of the day.
  2. I don't think so, to be honest. Low socioeconomic areas tend to have far higher rates of problems: drink, drugs, crime, violence, abuse, neglect, mental health issues, etc etc
  3. No idea about "my" country. Are you a lawyer? Didn't think so. Me neither. I do know, for a fact, that my insurance (in Thailand) wouldn't cover injured parties costs if they had also broken the law (e.g. no license, no road tax). But in my country, the fine for reckless driving causing injury to others wouldn't be a 500 baht fine either. So, dunno why you're trying to compare.
  4. Yeah......except it's a motorcycle. See the difference?
  5. Yeah....but there shouldn't have been a whole family on the bike. The affected how many got injured. And if there were no helmets that affected the severity of injuries
  6. Wow, it's almost 50/50 with the "like" and "dislike" emojis that were given to this post. I just don't get it. Sure, he broke the law and should be punished. But shouldn't the people riding the bike who also broke the law be punished too? They misused their motorcycle, illegally. Should the guy pay for head injuries (if they weren't wearing a helmet)? I mean, come on. It was their choice. He's not the only guilty party here and the law is supposed to be fair and objective. I'll never understand the Thai apologists here. I just don't understand why? You wouldn't condone a western family riding on a motorcycle.. Yes, the drunk driver broke the law too and a more serious law. I get that. But still, what's with the number of Thai apologists here. Can they not do any wrong?
  7. I hear some of the Soi Cowboy bars have a special corner for the ladies to genuflect.
  8. This quite literally describes many here. Lol
  9. How do you substantiate countless people's experiences? Ever heard of financial abuse? What about emotional neglect? Maybe you need to reread the OP.
  10. There are countless stories like this on here. Seems common in the farang-Thai relationship. And do the people the OP describes sound worthwhile people to you? You should be aware that in low socioeconomic areas there are way more social social problems and abuse, right? There have been research papers written on that
  11. What? You mean, popping out a litter of social security slaves for your retirement isn't family planning?
  12. Some people are just worthless and should be avoided. Typically, the ones who try to search out farang for a relationship fall into this category. I also think they treat each other this way too. So it ain't just us. It is more prevalent in people coming from the low socioeconomic places.
  13. Why? He shouldn't be held accountable for the injuries of those who shouldn't have been on the bike (i.e two of the people). Bikes ain't built for 4. He also shouldn't be held accountable for any head injuries due to not wearing helmets. Man, these people should suffer the natural consequence of the danger they out themselves in and caused themselves. "Millions", did anyone die? Jesus. Sure he should be prosecuted fairly (and so should they). Probably neither of which will happen.
  14. If you have a teaching license from your country I think you can just apply for the Thai one. If you don't, then - even with that PGCE - you'll need to sit the Thai license examination.
  15. Why? It isn't their responsibility. They didn't arrive on the boat with Captain Cook. They were born in Australia in migrant families. That's it. They ain't guilty of anything. The aboriginals are already afforded all the social benefits and opportunities that other Aussies have. They can dig up history if they like, but there's no guilty person alive today to throw <deleted> on. The ones who colonized Oz are long dead.
  16. But to be fair, that's like 3-4 hours of minimum wage work in Australia. For a fish platter in a nice place. What do Thais get for minimum wage? It probably works out at 30 baht an hour. I can't see anyone getting a fish platter in Thailand for 90-120 baht. They'd be paying a couple of days wages for a special seafood platter. Likewise, in Thailand now most taxi rides to the airport, for example, are likely to cost a good 300 baht. For a Thai person on minimum wage that would be a day's wage, for 10-12 hours work. That would be $200AUD plus!
  17. For the majority of the population, there was little parenting in their childhood at all.
  18. Yes, the newcomers are not the same as before. Before the migrants came to work, now they come for social security payments.
  19. Well, what do you suggest they do? Red neck? Lol They can live in the new and improved Australia, or you can live how they please. Up to them. What's the whinging about?
  20. So, he has a habit of drinking? So what? She can just divorce him.
  21. Who is prejudice? The aboriginals nowadays who don't like Australia as it is now? The migrant Aussies who personally did nothing to the aboriginals and don't want to accept blame? The aboriginals want cash compensation for their history. That's pretty much it, right? I am just stating facts about how Australia has changed for the better, including for the aboriginals alive today.
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