I've always been baffled by how difficult people say it is to make money from a bar in Thailand.
What wages? They are paid peanuts. And some "waitresses" aren't even staff or on a salary.
Electricity and water are very little in Thailand. Most bars are open and don't even have the AC on.
Taxes are laughable here. And what mandatory insurance does a business owner need here?
Now, compared that to the West where bars pay decent wages, proper taxes, expensive utility bills, and necessary insurances etc etc.
Imagine trying to make a profit while heating a bar in a British winter while paying your staff properly?
Yet they still make a profit while serving imported top quality beers from all over Europe.
Here, you are paying 120+ for a small bottle of local swill in a hot open-air bar that was served by an uncouth good-time girl (not even on a salary and if she was it would be negligible).
What makes it so hard in Thailand?
They are taking a bottle of local rubbish that 7eleven makes a profit on at around 35 baht and selling it for 120 or more. All the while not paying very much in the way of salaries, utilities, or taxes.
You'd think a ham sandwich could run a business like this here. It's child's play.