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Posts posted by Jools

  1. 3 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

    Nah, I was referring to the pathetic war of words. 


    However should the shit hit the fan the economic damage caused by collateral impact on the economic powerhouses of Japan and Sth Korea we will all suffer and badly. It is not going to happen.

    All that Kim is doing is blowing off steam. He is no threat to the USA. Trump is engaging in a pissing contest with a madman. That said, Trump is no paragon of mental health himself. War is big business.

  2. 50 minutes ago, KIWIBATCH said:

    ...And exactly how are they going to check all the countries computers for pornographic stuff or other stuff deemed inappropriate.....

    Are we all going to have an "inspection" of our computers every Saturday morning by the authorities.....:cheesy:


    It is hard to imagine why anyone living in Thailand would have pornography on their computer when the real thing is available down at the nearest beer bar, Thailand has one great freedom that the USA will probably never achieve. When your country is run by blue-nosed Calvinists, you lose the freedom to be a sexual being. I would much rather have my freedom to criticize the government limited.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

    Have any of you ever worked or lived in China?  If you had you would be careful of posting daily rants  about Thailand. You think you can hide behind a alias name - you cannot. You think you can deny the posts were yours —you cannot.  . Moving to a foreign country and complaining about its people and culture and cops and government and boasting of your own mental superiority is just not smart —-and is actually weird. But to do it in Asia which is lead by China and military governments like the Thai government love the Chinese system is really showing your mental inferiority for not recognizing where you have chosen to live.   Peace. 

     I simply keep in mind that freedom of speech does not exist in a great many countries, including this one. Is that so hard to digest? It follows that when you are on a public forum, you simply do not comment on certain things. This was second nature to citizens of the old Soviet Union. If you limit your commentary to cat pictures and hyperbole concerning the scenery and 'culture", you will never face charges.

  4. I prefer to concentrate on what's RIGHT with Thailand, rather than obsess on things about my home country that will never change. I came here for a lower cost of living and that's what I currently have. To get that arrangement, adjustments had to be made. These adjustments have not been debilitating or harmful. Anywhere you live, you have to obey local laws. Fortunately, local economies do not travel with you when you relocate. My retirement income seems to put me in a much envied class here in Thailand. 

  5. 18 hours ago, alex8912 said:

    I would disagree as many many people retire to or in the USA who are not rich. Compare living in Bangkok to many towns in Florida, Georgia, the other gulf coast states and even other pretty much year round ( except for maybe 6-8 weeks) warm states like South Carolina etc. A nice home is cheaper in these places compared to Bangkok and most of Pattaya, some places have very low taxes and many groceries are much cheaper as is produce and you could grow your own almost year round. Super cheap breakfast joints and Senior citizen discounts galore!  Cheap cars too. The USA is huge. There are many nice retirement areas. It's so much harder in England. One of the most densely populated places on Earth and nowhere  to really get off the grid and nowhere warm even 6 months of the year. Also very expensive. Most of Europe is similar so many more are forced to move elsewhere and some love it and others feel trapped. Not a great way to live but you sometimes have to make these choices to get by.  

    I am originally from Alabama, which is one of the "lowest cost of living" states. It is far more expensive than Thailand, and you MUST own a car. There is no other option. Western food is a bit more expensive here but everything else is cheaper. It would cost me twice as much for a condo such as the one I rent here. English citizens have a great healthcare program and that simply does not exist in the USA. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes, as a generality that's definitely true.

    But consider Medicare which is insurance people over 65 can get regardless of health conditions. 

    That expense alone in Thailand for older, sicker, not well covered could override all the other "cheap" benefits of living here. 

    Just saying. 

    It's never that simple. 

    Of course, you are correct. I would have to fly back to the USA to access Medicare and sometimes that is not an option. It's still my hope that Medicare will be made portable as Social Security is, but that's only talk. Alternatively, I wish Thailand had an inexpensive healthcare scheme that foreigners could buy into. Most of central and south America have plans for foreigners that cost less than 100 USD per month. Indonesia has this, as well.

  7. 13 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    So I guess you live alone here.

    With a Thai wife/family such "wood only" procedure would be unthinkable, a big shame, loss of face.

    Happened only once in the village over the years with a young homeless alcoholic who was found dead in an abandoned house.

    Totally unconcerned about shame or "loss of face". Both artificial Thai concepts that make less sense than western norms. I just want to cover myself for the eventual. They can feed me to the sharks after I am gone. I really could not care less. It sounds like donating my body to a hospital is going to be the best route to go.

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