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Posts posted by Jools

  1. 1 minute ago, bannork said:

    Learn how to behave in other people's countries. Is it so difficult? How about Thai tourists going to the USA, mooning the statue of Abraham Lincoln and then posting it on the internet. I wonder how the American authoirites will react?

    I cannot imagine American authorities being so thin-skinned as to care if someone "mooned" a statue of Lincoln. There is not really any commonality between the hypersensitivity of Thais and the rules of most western countries.

  2. 58 minutes ago, connda said:

    What ticks me off is I have to 'dance' once or twice a year for these morons, but most people in my village know me.  Hell, I'm the only farang within a 25 mile radius of the village, and if they know me, they know I'm married to a Thai national and where I live.  
    Personally, I'd just like to see immigration law applied uniformly.  That's all.  Not asking for much.

    It's obvious that Immigration rules are often made by people who have a beef with farangs and simply want to make life more difficult for no other reason than jealousy. I frequently encounter Thais who are outraged that I do not work at all, yet draw an income that is more than most well-educated Thais. They seem to think we are, somehow, "getting away with something". They've taken most of our options for work away from us but they still think we're "stealing" from Thais. An amazing and perverted mindset.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tug said:

    Yea trump is a racist but I think he is probably trying to distract from his tax ripoff of the working people here in the USA 

    Racism requires an IDEOLOGY. Trump has no ideological foundation. He is a reactionary, completely ruled by whim. He has the attention span of a kitten coupled with a hair-trigger temper and a complete inability to follow up or stay on point.

  4. 14 minutes ago, tropo said:

    The OP is married to a Thai person, supporting a Thai person and probably her family, yet he is being treated like an intruder. He's even means tested and they have no qualms about separating family if he doesn't have a certain level of income. It's disgusting treatment IMO. The family unit means nothing here - it's all about money.


    Contrast just over the sea in the Philippines. Automatic one year stamp when I enter with my wife. No questions asked. They don't care if I'm broke. The stamp is usually accompanied by a big friendly smile and "welcome".  LOS in Thailand. LOL.



    Yep.....your comment is spot on. Philippines is ahead of the game on immigration but Thailand has the attitude that they offer the best deal so you can sod off back to your own country if you don't like it. It is unlikely to change without a serious and extended downturn in the economy. Possibly not even then. Stubborn pride and paranoia rule the roost here.

  5. 24 minutes ago, tropo said:

    As an Australian, I don't have an outreach option, so it's a 5-hour return trip to Bangkok on a bus and AUD $70. If I was married I'd swallow my pride instead of converting to a retirement extension. Apart from your hurt pride, it's cheaper and quicker once you know exactly what they need. I would have thought that anyone who has been dealing with Immigration here for any number of years would have thick skin.

    I should have known that not all embassies would have the options that we Yanks do. Since Australia is a much more progressive country than the USA, I must admit I am surprised that they don't have the same outreach options that we do. Thick skin is beside the point. Retirees are a huge benefit to the economy. We are treated as a burden on the state or a possible sinister, alien element in Thai society. There is no rational reason for the xenophobic paranoia of Thai immigration.

  6. 3 hours ago, tropo said:

    You'd have to weigh it up against the cost and time of going to the Embassy in Bangkok to get an income letter. Getting a witness and a few photos doesn't seem all that hard by comparison.

    With embassy outreach it's very easy to get the income affidavit notarized. It's about sixty bucks on top of another sixty bucks for the extension. It's a ridiculous hassle, but very easy. The requirements for the marriage extension are just harassment, plain and simple. You're helping a Thai citizen in the best way possible and you're being penalized for it. Just more evidence of xenophobia, a Thai character trait.

  7. 1 hour ago, Jonnapat said:

    Petty people with petty laws, enjoy making life difficult for foreigners whenever they can

    EXACTLY!!!   That is the ONLY reason for this dog and pony show. Thai xenophobia is a marvel to behold. The ONLY advantage to the marriage route is the possibility of working. That would be the only reason I would ever choose this option. Fortunately, I never plan to work again. I basically came here to be cremated. My plans have not changed.

  8. 1 hour ago, Norrad said:

    Swiss people really seem to hate noise. I had a similar experience with a guy from Switzerland while I was staying at a resort on Samui. I went to pick up a girl who was staying in a bungalow next door to the one a Swiss guy was staying in. I was on my unmodded CBR300 which is not a noisy bike, especially when idling, and the guy shouted at me to turn my f***ing bike off, rushed down and grabbed the front of my helmet and proceeded to try pulling me off my bike. He was about 70 years old, so I didn't get physical with him, but I did verbally lay into him. An American guy in another bungalow also came and let the old coot have a piece of his mind, as apparently the guy would run over to his bungalow and bash on the door and windows if the TV was too loud.

    Being 70 years old is no barrier to a bashing in Thailand. Makes the odds better for your attackers, who will usually number at LEAST 12. Fair fight in Thailand.


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