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Everything posted by CANSIAM

  1. "I need you to find 11,780 votes, thats one more than what we have, we won the state"
  2. Never fails, soon as the plane hits altitude from Gulf countries 'seat belts off' aluminates, time to put on their Levi's, ball caps, Nike shoes.......lets get wild !!...........
  3. Good guys out, bad guys in.............
  4. Hang tough wait and see, its quite possible more than 12 jurors will 'see and hear' evidence, place a few TV cameras around and 300 million Americans can have a good listen from their sofas..........
  5. I've never had an immigration address visit and first time asked for a photo at residence. Young IO inside, I wish he had a look at my hand drawn very detailed road map from my place to his office that I had tucked away ready for his request............ bring everything you can possibly think of to your next extension, others there were missing papers or copies and dealing with different IO requests from previous years as well.....
  6. It was slightly different this year, a couple hiccups, my address on their computor was showing Bangkok I don't know why I just did a 90 day report in person last week, the IO that does the paper work pre-checks outside the office told me to walk over to the drive thru 90 day reporting to update - done. IO also wanted to see a copy of the 90 day Non O e visa from home country that I arrived with in June 2022 - had that with me luckily. IO wanted copies of all pages of bank passbook ( I had 12 month bank statement with me ) - never asked last year, went to copy shop nearby - done. IO did not want to see a rental agreement or TM30 that I had with me. Once inside the office IO wanted a photo of myself with house number - had that on my phone but wanted a paper copy, back to copy shop - done. Two hours later all done - 1900 baht, pick up passport tomorrow with a new 90 day slip affixed. I sense they are clamping down harder. Geeeeesh, see you next year !!
  7. Possibly Mr. Pence's ( Vise P ) testimony IF he takes the stand during trial will bury Trump.......
  8. The uproars will intensify if it's not televised............!
  9. I had a brief chat with an IO a while back doing my extension, she said OX is obtainable in Thailand but you need to show your 3 million baht has been in a Thai bank for one year at application date plus the other prerequisites etc........but of course it was only a verbal from one IO.....
  10. What I witnessed 3 weeks ago at Karon beach, people in the water quite a distance out, stormy seas, where red flags were staked on the beach, a man screaming for help but it was his female partner that was in trouble who was slightly further out from him, anyway 3 lifeguards start running, don't know why he was wasting energy screaming, should have put it to good use trying to help her........
  11. A lifeguard on Karon Beach told me people ignore their verbal warnings or instructions and the ever visible red flags staked every 20 meters, possibly a communication language issue ? Know what to do out there during 'rip' season or come at other months, enjoy your holiday !
  12. Ruskies are infiltrating your Island...........take care of that first, then power ahead with your Pillars Plan.....
  13. It happened to me years ago, 1st retirement/1st agent, renting in Bangkok, went with agent to CW, got it all done, back at home looking more closely at the stamp and permission to stay - said Chacheangsao Immigration ( 90 kms southeast of Bangkok )
  14. Yeah its Thailand visa, I suggest he ask the agent what Immigration office stamp will he be given, if he sends his PP to them, it will be sent to an office where they do that brown bag stuff and in all likely hood its not where you are residing, then doing your 90 reports will be a problem without their help for an added fee as well......
  15. They will take care of your 90 day resident reporting because your retirement stamp in your passport they will give you will be from an Immigration office where you do not reside ( possibly 600kms away) .........problem for you to do. Tell them you want the immigration stamp from an office where you are staying......
  16. Exactly, 30 million need to converge on Bangkok, that may turn some heads in the House........
  17. I've seen one small motorbike repair shop run by a Thai man and his wife become a bike rental shop as well with 10 or more bikes and seeing the same foreign man swing by almost daily in a SUV or motorbike for a look around, fronting a business I would guess.......I'm sure there's many more fronted.......
  18. I had a young Russian neighbour ( AWOL soldier ) for a couple months, on one of a few conversations he told me about a Russian app that the Russian "community" on Phuket use where they log in and find out where all the Thai police road checks are in place, unbelievable...........infiltration of the Island lol.....
  19. I believe his only defence is running for President...............
  20. He's ( Zhaffsky ) been asked several fair questions here but no replies yet.........
  21. Are you using the 800k method at immigration for your long stay ? what do most of the ‘elites’ use ?
  22. Must be tough to fight for someone you don't like and kill people you don't hate, ( oh yeah, the recruited convicts are trying to secure Putins Empire ).........the 'special military operation' surely has shown the world the incompetence of Russian forces........
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