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Everything posted by CANSIAM

  1. Are you using the 800k method at immigration for your long stay ? what do most of the ‘elites’ use ?
  2. Must be tough to fight for someone you don't like and kill people you don't hate, ( oh yeah, the recruited convicts are trying to secure Putins Empire ).........the 'special military operation' surely has shown the world the incompetence of Russian forces........
  3. Zero mannerisms and respect ........agree
  4. Once they improve on their mannerisms, most Thai's will be smiling again...........
  5. It appears the Nation is proud of Putin’s citizens numbers, where else can they bask in the sun North Korea, Syria ?
  6. His smirk seen time and time again says it all.....here's hoping the vast majority of the population sees how they've been wronged.....
  7. Probably a young AWOL soldier out skipping a class on his 'purchased' Education Visa stay........send him to the Aeroflot Gate.....
  8. Actually many landlords don't know what a foreigner needs at immigration for a longer term stay, including 90 day reporting where the TM30 comes in handy......if she's unwilling to give an ID copy, house number, rental contract...........find another place...
  9. A bar stool for the day and finish it off with a couple Whoppers, how about wake up, make your bed, 2 hours in the gym........50 burpees included, then have a salad...........you won't need that coffin so soon......
  10. Find a new place if you cannot get her ID and house number, it will be your problem at immigration not hers.........
  11. Tourists numbers thrown out weekly, thats all they have to keep Thailand moving........who's going to invest or continue to invest here after that Election farce..........
  12. Keep calm and the airports open.............
  13. Shut that hole under your nose, you have designed the courts and senate and could not be more happy about the young Harvard Graduate Pita's ( election winner ) removal of duties.....
  14. On your future OA extensions at immigration, try to make sure your health insurance start date is always close to your extension start date. When your OA visa expires in one year, your extensions of stay based on your O-A will always be to the date of your health insurance expiry date, which could possibly mean your stamp is less than a year depending on your health insurance validity when you go for yearly extensions.......
  15. Mr. Don has no idea who he has in his right hand...............
  16. Lavrov is here for an official Phuket Immigration printout on Russian soldiers here on Education Visas.......????
  17. I'd sure hate to lose your Non O extensions unintentionally whether it be forgetting a re-entry permit or other neglected policy issues throughout the year and have to start over........headaches online at Embassies abroad and numerous 'mad hatters' at numerous offices here.............
  18. I believe many Thai Embassies do not update their Visa requirements often. In Canada, website is still showing a link for the ThaiPass access, however health insurance was required for the 90 day Non O application last year where I had and used previous valid O-A insurance. It appears there's no change in the Non O health insurance, keep emailing and calling get the low-down or get the Non O in Thailand if you have the 800k here or agent........
  19. Democracy is so solid here, there's no need to vote..........????
  20. He was never a Politician......
  21. "She asked to meet her family after 1 week of dating"........extremely quick, I'd be done and running...........
  22. Well looking at many foreign riders, it appears they have never operated a motorbike before arriving here. As far as the locals go, I'm not sure what is safe about masks on helmets off - be careful on Phuket roads !!
  23. Not sure how Thailand can follow visa and employment laws when they can fill their wallets and purses, maybe a large salary increase for all nation wide in the offices ?
  24. Better have a look at what many Russians are 'doing' on the Island as well..........
  25. I agree, if one is considering health insurance, apply if and when you have clean bill of health, many have % discounts for yearly 'no-claims' as well but of course premium rate increases at age intervals.......
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