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Everything posted by CANSIAM

  1. Do ya think they will be able to sell all their apartments and villas and businesses in 14 days ? 😉
  2. Sri Lanka has cancelled their long stay visas for Russians recently due to poor behaviour issues. Take note Thailand, a good start anyhow to attack your 600,000 plus on the island....... when did we see the Aeroflot first flight water cannon arrival salute....... Oct. 2022 I believe...... what a turn of events which should have been seen much earlier...money clouds reality unfortunately..........
  3. On your next trip to the noisy Russian packed 'common area', along with your eyeballing, utter "Slava Ukraini" and long live Navalny !!!!!
  4. The Russian language PA announcements at the airport every 4 minutes is enough !
  5. Maybe an article from him regarding concrete may have some substance........
  6. Give that 'I just stepped in beach dog turd' look right back at them !!!!
  7. There you go, doors are open to Thailand, but Putin closes the doors for departures from the motherland....
  8. A poster said on a similar topic earlier..." Let more and more in spend more multiple millions on property purchases, motorbike rental businesses etc etc, then there will be a complete change of heart, they'll boot the majority out, reclaim and resell property to a new bunch" quite believable, or maybe if Putin uses tactical nuclear weapons at some point maybe the PM will have different thoughts about the mighty Russian Federation Passport......
  9. I assume the other 600,000 - 800,000 are here legitimately, good work to find 1 or 2..........
  10. Wonder what century of a system they will use for their new Tax scheme..... cannot get online 90 day reporting ironed out yet.......
  11. Because that stack of thousand baht notes your agent gives the IO sitting across from you at the desk enhances the process and you do not have to open your mouth, whereas us folks with our folder of papers a blue and black pen in our shirt pocket pay 1900 baht.
  12. Just put up with it ! Google map the route for reference and hand draw it from there....it's a requirement that is written for Phuket, mine was drawn 2 years ago haven't been asked to produce it yet, but did want to see a photo of myself next to house number last year, had it on my phone but not good enough thus got a print out.......put up with it ! cheers
  13. Wonder if they are figuring out the Russian scams yet............
  14. If you have NOT moved and have registered an address previously, sometimes a hotel stay can throw off their data, if your online 90 day is rejected go through the drive-thru they will update it.... worked for me...
  15. Talking to a young Russian couple awhile back, large numbers use Georgia as a stepping stone to warmer and cheaper Southeast Asia... one way ticket.....
  16. Total abuse of a passive country and culture, think locals and police are aware now ( little late ) of the jam they are in....
  17. Wouldn't it be a wicked added twist to the report.........( and believable )....
  18. Great work by a bogus Russian booking scam !!!! Now the people involved filled their pockets to purchase ED Visa's for a few more years etc........😉
  19. The Russians are queuing much better now in 7/11's, it's all good !!
  20. Did you leave and re-enter Thailand recently or checked into a hotel recently ? that can throw off the data.....
  21. Do an about face and shock the world, vote Haley, something new and fresh......probably be a good 4 years for America...
  22. "I just want you to find 11,780 votes, you know we won the State" ......damn mobster....
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