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Everything posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. In another life, when I was working in a government related agency, I had to meet, and deal with numerous politicians, from all sides of the political spectrum. I only ever came across one who appeared honest, and had taken that career to actually help people. In fact two of my work associates (certainly not friends) stood for, and were elected to parliament. Both were loudmouthed twits, but boy, could they talk, and talk, and talk. Neither had the slightest interest in working for the people or the community, but the pay and perks they would receive. Fortunately, one was booted out at the next election, the other hung on for 2 terms, thus getting a substantial pension for life.. As for Thailand, I live in hope that the younger generation, with their now access to the internet are seeing what life could be under a system that is fair and equal, however, getting rid of the corruption mindset that exists is going to take a very long time, I fear.. As much as I loathe the way this, and past governments here, have treated their own country, I have hope for the Thai people in general, in the main they are good and decent, you come across the stupid and ignorant in every country.
  2. You must realize, Thai officials, in any office, couldnt organise a riot in a mental asylum, as for running a country, thats a laugh.
  3. As I have yet to hear of a poor Insurance Company, how does it work if, say, you have insurance issued in your home country, but thinking to be safe, you also take out insurance from a Thai company, and you have an illness/injury in Thailand requiring medical treatment. Knowing insurance companies extreme reluctance to part with money, would there be a bun fight between to the companies as to whom, if any would pay any costs, as I doubt both would .
  4. My wife had bought a pair of reading glasses from a well kn own Optometrists shop previously, so I went along to get new frames fitted to an old pair of my glasses. paid over 2000 baht, couldnt get a set with side hinges. Within 3 months end of one arm fell off, snapped in half Back to the shop, which had assured me my purchase had a 12 month warranty. "Oh yes" said the manager, "warranty covered, I give you address of manufacturer in Bangkok, you take them there, they fix" As I live in Nakhon nowhere, my reply was "You see my face now, because you will never see it again.:" and walked out... Wife later went to local provincial hospital that has optometrist, b ought better pair, with hinges, for 800 baht. Dont get angry, just deprive them of any future sales/profit.
  5. Us farangs must realize, judges in Thailand, having paid enormous sums of money to obtain a degree in law, notwithstanding they would have great difficulty in spelling the word, or ever having attended any university in the first place, but rather had a "friend" attend for them, or simply passed a brown envelope under the table, to obtain said degree, then must follow the herd and do what is expected to keep us farangs in our proper place, and apply "thainess" to every matter that comes before them.
  6. Never mind the country of origin, just give me a plate of bangers and mash, smothered in tomato sauce. An absolute culinary masterpiece..... (see how my taste buds have gone to pot in my old age??)
  7. Good for sterilising, use it on cuts and sores, great if you ever get an ingrown toenail, watch it fizz.. Recommended for dissolving excess wax in your ears. (diluted) Use it quite a lot round the house, on the dogs/ cats when they get into fights. to clean their wounds. Most pharmacies stock half litre bottles.
  8. A cop lives not far from our house, mans a bloody idiot, I wouldnt employ him to clean my toilet, even when hes sober. which isnt often. The sad part is, he actually believes hes superior to everyone around here.
  9. Wasted 40 years of my life, most of it a job I didnt particularly like, but paid well, Retired 25 years now and its been the best time ever, do what I want, when I want, how I want, with the wifes permission of course.
  10. At least Pedro didnt marry a single mum bar girl, his partners a ladyboy.
  11. At last common sense prevailed against the Colonel Blimps and Admiral Disasters in Australia and someone had the guts to scrap that obscene French contract. You do realise the original contract price, in 2016 was $60 billion Australian dollars, by 2021, with not a single sub even begun, the price had grown to $90 billion Australian, with the last of 6 submarines to be delivered in 35,,, yes 35 years from now.. Dont rush Frenchie, we arent in any great hurry????
  12. Thats strange, seeing as how I dropped out of two other "forums" , actually bitch clubs, to join up here. I find it the best by far, especially the Real Estate section, or rather the sub headings there, for advice, help and assistance for work around the house.. To each his own I suppose.
  13. Hey Tomwhatever,, I can give several hundred examples actually, from blatant theft in my presence, to insults, sneers, rudeness, and of course the double dealing. Space and time however limits me, you will just have to accept the fact , that as I am not a Thai, I am not lying., however, I am not one of the keyboard warrior brigade, but should any person in my country, treat me in. that manner they would find themselves on their backside holding their teeth. As I realise here, the farang is always wrong, I just sneer back at any person who cannot behave like a human,, and believe me I have perfected my sneer to the nth degree now.. You on the other hand, may submit to any insult you feel worthy,, I will not.
  14. I must confess, while I lived in my own, very multicultural country, I didnt have any great feelings one way or another concerning people of different race, culture, religion or colour, I was what I would term ethnocentric, certainly not racist or xenophobic. However since living here a number of years now my feelings have changed, for the worse unfortunately. While still not sinking to the level of being a racist, I find it increasingly difficult not to react negatively to the slights, sneers, rudeness and double dealing I sometimes receive. I now put it done to the behaviour of a people who are socially, financially, mentally and physically inferior to me, and other farangs.
  15. I must confess, while I lived in my own, very multicultural country, I didnt have any great feelings one way or another concerning people of different race, culture, religion or colour, I was what I would term ethnocentric, certainly not racist or xenophobic. However since living here a number of years now my feelings have changed, for the worse unfortunately. While still not sinking to the level of being a racist, I find it increasingly difficult not to react negatively to the slights, sneers, rudeness and double dealing I sometimes receive. I now put it done to the behaviour of a people who are socially, financially, mentally and physically inferior to me, and other farangs.
  16. The beloved Royal Thai Police are set to announce a grand sale , of specified and special items, 50% off each and every item... Special invitations will be sent to selected individuals known to be able to keep quiet.
  17. Gee, Im glad I got in first on this one... Read every input, agree with some disagree with some, but thats democracy. As my monicker states, Im happyenough here. Got a nice house, a car, motor cycle, wifes happy, (providing I keep the money coming) Got two pensions, got the rice fields, live OK in a small town away from the rush,, just miss decent wine, and too old to get insurance now, so Ive told the wife, when things go bad, buy me a couple of bottles of Irish whisky, prop me up in bed and leave me to it. There is a lot more a person could comment on, but really, its up to oneself to be happy, or not. Like many others here, Ive had a few disasters, lost a lot of money to a first bitch of a wife, but move on, stay positive. just ignore the doomsayers. As has been stated before, lifes like a bunch of roses, just avoid the pricks.
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