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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. Anyone  know  where I can buy  Christmas   cake/pudding/fruit mince pies etc.  in Korat town  area.   I was  told of  a place called Korat Bakery in Suranee  Road, 

    but  that seems to have  closed.   I miss traditional fare, its just not Chrissie  without it,  

  2. In the same situation , twice.   First time , a mild  case of shortness of breath, chest pain etc.  Off to ,local local hospital, very clean, in the new section.  Kept overnight, 2 blood tests, regular blood pressure checks, In general ward  with about 15 others.  Discharged  next AM. Bill  4200 baht, included 400 baht for food I never saw.

    Second occasion, severe allergic reaction to something.  Ambulance to local hospital again. Distance about  2 km, cost 600 baht.. Admitted to general ward. Saline  drip administered. Blood pressure checked every few hours. Vitamin  tablets given. Discharged  next AM.  Bill  2300 baht.  (No charge for food this time, but never offered/seen any anyway.)

    Wife had a CAT scan  at private hospital in  Korat  some months ago. 7000 baht for Thais.   (PS  Im  far too old to obtain insurance.  Wife has 3 seperate policies.)

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  3. My wife  here assures me  the deceased body will not be  released for burial/cremation to a common law wife, tho she doesnt know  how to get around that problem,   As others have suggested a visit to   your own embassy for advice  appears  the best idea.

    Recently  near  us a farang , legally married to his wife here, died  at home.  He had refused medical treatment for a serious illness.

    The wife  had a great deal of problem. Police ordered a post mortem  and a  full investigation of the death, for which the poor woman had to pay (many thousands of baht)   It took  her several weeks  to  get everything finalised, during which time her husbands body  was kept  at the mortuary.  It appears  if no  certificate as to cause of death is forthcoming, especially if one dies at home,  there will be problems

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  4. Disregarding the rather droll responses of bloggs and co, what I was pointing out, as the more intelligent members of TVF  realise , is that  any rules, laws, edicts that this government may enact, are interpreted at the whim of the individual official.  If some  wish to   give in to extortion, that is their business. I worked long, hard and honestly  for many years for my money. I see no reason why I should willingly hand it over to some corrupt  official.  And no, I didnt incur any medical expenses, I actually got  an apology, of sorts,  from the female   for breaking some of my property whilst ransacking    the boxes.  I wish  the member  wanting to import his  boat all the best, and good luck, just realise you  may face problems.

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  5. When we used to catch the train out of Korat to go  back home, before we had our car, I used to look at the numerous hovels  built alongside the rail tracks.  Just slapped together, tin, plastic,  wood panels, yet  most of them had a  car of some sort parked alongside. One even had a newish looking BMW...

  6. I had an Acer for years, Windows 7, paid to get it upgraded to Windows 10, thats when the troubles started, eventually froze up  . I suspect the upgrade was  a dodgy version, however prior to that it was excellent.     Now have a Lenovo Ideapad,  when it works its great, when it goes crazy and jumps all over the internet, I  feel tempted to go out to my shed and get an axe to fix it... In  between these two I had a Compac... "el cheepo"  it sufficed  till I made up my mind which to buy,  regretably.

  7. Well, Ive lived here for 8 long years,  this is, to the best of my recollection,  experiences with my local I.M. Office.

    1)No change offered  from the 2000 baht tendered for   yearly extension.  At least the female I.O. had the decency to blush  as I told her,"dont forget to give that 100 baht to the boss".

    2)  2000 baht demanded  for  transferring stamps to new passport. No receipt offered.

    3)  3900 baht demanded  for payment of   extension of visa.  I stated to the I.O. "Its 1900 baht"  " New boss " was the reply.    "I dont care if you have two new bosses, 1900 is all your getting"      Scowls, papers tossed back,  completed however.

    4)  500 baht  for letter of residence, for    drivers license. Happened twice.

    Ive noticed  there seems to be a complete change of staff each time I go to my local office...  Maybe its such a lucrative posting there  fighting for  appointmemt there??

    As an aside, took my wife into  the Immigration office in Perth, West Australia for some paperwork.  Couldnt see an Australian face anywhere amongst the staff, all Chinese or Indian.   One smart arsed  slope make a remark about Thais to my wife, I suggested she get back to her own stinking country and let an Australian  take her job.

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  8. I lost my  beautiful cat some years ago in similar circumstances.  She was    bringing up  any food she ate, plus having   frequent bowel movements.   took her to the vet, who advised me NEVER  give  cat (or dogs)     cat or dog biscuits, unless you make sure they drink lots of water, as  both types  are  very heavy in salt content, leading to kidney and possible liver failure.     There is  quite a lot on the internet  about  the   junk  pet food business, which backs up the vets   advice to me.   Hope  your pet recovers soon.

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  9. I was at  at  a certain Immigration a while ago, with my wife.  she was listening to a senior officer on the phone.  She could see he was holding  many passports in his hand,  and  the figure of 25,000 baht was  repeated, several times.   The man also    kept  saying "no discount".

    Later  wifey  had  a peak, they were Chinese passports.   Dont know why Chinese would want to overstay here??

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