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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. My wife, the cowgirl, tells me if they over 6 years old, not worth buying, little chance of calving if you want to breed..

    if younger,   maybe 20,000  is   fair price.     Wife recently bought  3    young calves, 12 month old,    10,000 baht each, but that was discount price from Uncle.

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  2. I had occasion to be in the Supreme Court of my country, as a witness.  I was  waiting in the   public gallery and was seated next to a  Judge, from  the District (lower) court, whom I  knew.   I commented how the  jury members  seemed  intent on listening to the evidence being presented,, they were all sitting motionless,  and  commented  on this to the judge. His reply. "not really, their all bone from the  backside up you know"".  I have  often heard the expression  of jurors   as being 12 people of limited intelligence, with little, if any knowledge of the law, apart from   their TV shows  nonsense,  ,able to be swayed by the pure  bulldust sprouted by   able defence lawyers, and also  have had  prosecuting  lawyers  tell me they  oppose  female jurors   on   trials   relating to sexual assault cases, as    women  take the attitude... that wouldnt happen to me,,,Id show the sod what for if he tried anything.    Not   really my opinion, just relating what others have told me.

  3. In another life, a different wife, bought an established house in Khon Kaen town.    Didnt go near seller, sneaked looks   when house empty.  Wife did all the dealing. Owner was strapped for cash, wanted enough to pay out  bank loan.  My wife  let  buyer assume I was a Thai, but working in BKK.   Price agreed on, paid.  I turned up  at  final signing,  seller, a nice  guy (Thai) was happy, his wife, a Vietnamese, was  greatly peed off, stating if she had known  there was a falang involved  they would have doubled the price.   But  as  others have asked, where do  you want to buy, what type of land, farming, residential??  plenty  for sale in  nearly every village around  here,  Korat..  (PS  lost the house on divorce as is natural, at least I got rid of the wife as well)

    • Haha 2
  4. Anyone  know of good mixture  to put on mango trees to  get rid of fruit fly?     we had the  best  crop for years this year, but    the fly  has ruined   almost half the crop,..  not commercial growers, we  just have  three decent sized trees around the house.     Have  put plastic   bags over  survivors, sprayed with some stuff, but  still   see  flies .

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  5. Well, I've lived here quite a few years now,  could go  home if I wanted, (and I sure do "want") but stay for  the family here's sake. As  for racism here, it exists, not so much out the  backblocks,  but certainly when  you get near large towns and cities. But hey, think back, when you were in your own country and you came across a obvious  foreigner, did you react positively or not, I know I didn't,  and  I  would class my self as ethnocentric, rather than a racist.  Live and let live . Just  this latest fiasco was to be expected, not merely because of the mindset of the powers that be here, but their innate stupidity and ridiculous sense of superiority that exists in a country  that ranks  very far down on world listings. I will wait for my jab, when and if there is ever a "surplus"  and expect to have to pay some grossly inflated price for the honour.     As an addendum,   back  home,  ALL persons over the age of 50 are now receiving FREE    inoculations. ....  Notice the words ALL   and FREE  Anutin.


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  6. We have many" White Elephants:" in my country, its just not polite to mention them.   But then again, dont Thai  just love to dress up in their  funny uniforms ad bedeck themselves in   tin medals.   However in this case, your  wife obviously  deserves her award. Well done.

    • Thanks 1
  7. A little off topic, but in regards to Embassies, and Ambassadors.    A couple of years ago, the Australian embassy in BKK held an Australia Day  celebration party. It was televised.   I have never been so embarrassed, seeing the (then)  Ambassador grovelling  , bowing and scraping to   all and sundry guests,  mainly of the Thai   gene pool.   Lamb, crayfish, oysters etc were flown in from Australia  for the occasion. I didn't see ONE Australian guest amongst the  throng.   The little twits behaviour was downright despicable, and a disgrace to the nation.   I did notice he was gone the following years party..

    • Haha 1
  8. My wife went to  our district hospital to  register me, as I am  over 60, and have a chronic health problem.   She was told    they would have to check with  the authorities in Korat  as to foreigners..       Hospital  just  phoned her back.  No,  foreigners cannot register.  Thais    first.  She asked   about those  with yellow  or blue book  and pink card.  Yes they can register, but  cannot  get vaccine  before all Thais have.   I don't mind paying for the jab, we pay 500 baht each for our flu shots, nor do I expect preferential treatment, just to be treated equally.  as that too much to ask????

    • Thanks 1
  9. For  non residents of Australian birth,   tax on   bank interest is   paid at 10%.     If  you  hold Australian  owned company shares, which issue a dividend,  you cannot claim  the  franking credits paid on those,   as the company paid    them as company tax, which is 30%.   Your age pension is tax free.   and the dividends paid on the shares  are  tax free, as you  forfeited the  franking credits (which the company paid  at the stated 30%  company tax rate  for you.)  You have to notify your bank you are  non resident and complete   appropriate forms  with them.     For  your franking credits,  you   simply  omit    to  claim them back on  your tax return......Until such time as you   cease to have to complete one,,,,usually  when  you   only have  age pension  and  share dividend income., below a certain level.. This advice  was given to me direct from the  Australian Tax Office  and  my bank.

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    • Confused 1
  10. Many years ago, my (then)  wife loaned several hundred thousand baht to a  school teacher.    Many papers signed and sealed,   government stamps all over them, all registered, kaifaag registered.      Teacher,  naturally,  defaulted on payments.    Off to court. Lawyers fee 30,000 baht. Court ordered  loan to be repaid at 1000 baht per month.  ???.  no  word on seizure of  her property as detailed in  legal papers.    Agai n defaulted  on  1000 baht  payments. Lawyer wanted another 30,000 to go back to court.

     Just walked away  and  wiped it off.   I  wouldn't loan  the cost of a bandaid to a leg amputated Thai  in future.

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