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Posts posted by HAPPYNUFF

  1. Just my wife and I,,  our  shopping bill,  usually  go every ten days or so, to Lotus  and Macro,,, cost  anywhere between  5000 to 7000 baht, and  we   eat mainly Thai style foods, then theres the extras most days,, milk, bread, eggs , fresh  vegies from the market.

    I compare prices   on line with those at my local Woolworths  store back in Australia,  not a lot of difference when you balance the total purchase,,  an example,,   Meadowlea butter here,, 159 baht for 500 grams, ( last week  165 baht)  Australia,  49 baht.. I admit   pork and chicken is very cheap   here though.

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  2. I would be rather dubious of a claim of self defence if  ALL  the knife wounds were in the back, however,   even in civilized countries  a charge of at least manslaughter would be laid, it would be up to the jury hearing the case to decide on the claim of self defence, not the police.  Im sure many of you have knowledge of similar cases in your own countries, the police have no right or authority to decide on such a claim.

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  3. Didnt read all the replies, but those I did cover most points..   One other, when  we bought our pickup, I  wanted it white in colour.   Better on road visibility   for others. to see. (and avoid) Told the salesman that, got immediate 7000 baht discount.   As  stated, you should also get first year  license, third party, and vehicle  1st class insurance for free.   You   should check the vehicle compliance plate in the engine compartment to  check the date when the  vehicle was manufactured,  for instance, if you were buying  a car  say  early in a year,,,  January  to say May,  you would most probably find it was manufactured the previous year, so you car is already one year old  by  re sale standards. Also  demand quality tyres,  say Michelin or similar..  Good luck.

  4. Wife put snail pellets around  yard before,one of our dogs ate them, had convulsions, died within  minutes of doing so. Another time a Thai neighbour  put some greenish coloured poison around, mixed with  meat, a stray dog was seen to eat it,    ran around like crazy for a few minutes, then poor thing died as well. I dont speak to him now,  still speak to the wife.

  5. Mate  bought a new pickup, parked in  his car port, within a fortnight rats had eaten out    most of the cars wiring.      Luckily his insurance  paid for repair.        As  others have said, and I told him, put   moth balls (camphor)    in his engine compartment . He did,   no more rats came.

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