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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by metisdead

  1. A number of posts using oversized fonts have been edited to reduce the font size to normal, please observe the following when posting: 6. After pasting a reply format the text you have pasted. An easy way to do this is to click the "Paste as plain text instead" option at the bottom of the reply box.
  2. Off topic posts and replies about being a Buriram football supporter have been removed.
  3. Moving to the Insurance forum.
  4. As the topic was not related to Thailand, the topic was moved to the Australia & Oceania Topics and Events forum. And since politics is not allowed in this forum: For topics and events related to the Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region. Political and current news topics are not permitted. For updates on news topics, visit the World News Forum: https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ ****Closed****
  5. Off topic political posts have been removed.
  6. A post with a screenshot of a news item has been removed as there was no supporting link to the source of information.
  7. A post with excessive usage of ALL CAPS has been removed, please keep your Caps Lock turned off when posting: Standards of Conduct: 5. Do not post text with all capital letters or with over-sized fonts, bold fonts, non-standard fonts, colored fonts or unusually large emojis. Do not use emojis or any other form of graphics in the title of your poll or topic.
  8. Try this link: https://www.nationtv.tv/news/region/378894344
  9. Please continue in the topic already running here: ****Closed****
  10. Moving to the Health and Medicine forum.
  11. A post with a derogatory trolling reference toward Thai women has been reported and removed.
  12. Troll posts using trolling memes have been reported and removed.
  13. Off topic posts and replies have been removed. This topic is not about Korea, North Korea or Vietnam.
  14. An off topic post trolling about Cuba and a reply has been removed. Some posts and replies that were running off topic have been removed.
  15. A number of baiting troll posts and the replies have been removed.
  16. A post with a video from an unapproved YouTube source has been removed.
  17. A troll post has been removed.
  18. Some more off topic posts and the replies have been removed.
  19. A post with a derogatory generalization toward the Farang population of Isaan has been removed as well as an inflammatory reply.
  20. An off topic post about a location for worcestershire sauce in the UK and a reply has been removed.
  21. Please continue in your original topic that is running here: ****Closed****
  22. Robinsons will have trees, lights and decorations as well.
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